Monday, April 12, 2010

This weekend.

this weekend started on friday. i was stuck in school and wanted to see my lover. i really wanted to. so i sent him a bbm message saying " i miss you, i miss you, i really want to kiss you"

yes , forget all this bad babe i use to from im chessy like that. anyhoos, my battery died. so i got home saw my fam and blah blah blah.when the next thing, lover called, ande we got talking, convo went sthg like this.

M: hey boo
L: girlfriend.
M: what are u up too?, imiss you.
L: i miss you too, its not fair, come and see me.
M: im tired now, i just got back from school, and my car isnt back home.
L: what if i came to pick you?
M: err i already told you, i have other plans this weekend. *giggling*
L: so you are doing shakara now abi??
M: ahhhhh boyfriend... u know how it is now.. im tired,i need a back rub and a massage.
L: come outside jare.
M: ehn?? outside where??
L: ode, come outside ur house jo..

so i run downstairs barefeet and OMG he is there.

now my lover is probably the most selfish person i know apart from myself. (and baby just incase u do read this... i say this with love)

any ways so im screaming and dancing around and he says" i hope u have dropped the phone" typical him.

random ive had a million people come see me, boys girls blah blah, but no one ever comes to see me without callling first. i will not see you. i will not grant you audience. and he knows this, and he still came. and that was selfless enough for me.

trust me, boys are nice to me. but this act really hit home. especially considering the fact that he had to deal with that nasty traffic.

how was i supposed to say no?

so i packed my bags and went away. and that was just friday. dont get me started on saturday and sunday.:)

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