Saturday, April 10, 2010

The cheating boyfriend/husband- A different perspective.

Apparently my sister Eneni, read my blog and had sthg 2 say.

So she is my 1st guest blogger.

And oh I wonder Y she censored the word "dick" on my blog we have that freedom of speech thing going on. Just incase anyone else wants 2 guest write. :d

Q1. All men cheat. True/False. If true move to Q2.....If false......still move to Q2.

Q2. All men are gay. True/false. If true...........forget it it's obviously not true.
Since we all agree its false then I guess I can say that females should also be held responsible for the men that cheat...60-40 men getn d higher %??? No?? 50-50?? Fair enough........

Read Ms Oreoluwa's blog (implication tuface) by the way I really like the song and the part that caught my attention was:

"And why do men cheat?? Simple, there would always be a girl waiting to derive joy from the fact that someones husband/boyfriend finds her interesting"

That part right there got me thinking.......I grew up surrounded by plenty of guys so I had the "guys are not to be trusted" mentality. Someone a couple of years back tried to convince me otherwise.....I wont say he succeeded 100% but let's go back to the main point.....
75% of girls make it 80 or even more won't hesitate to curse a guy who was caught cheating but remember, it takes two to tango??
So I asked around and thought of the possible reasons why girls get involved with the supposedly 'not available' men n I got d following:

1) I didn't know he was married/had a girlfriend: plenty girls use this one...for the marriage part, you meet a guy, start dating him, you always meet at hotels/friends houses, you cant reach him late at night, he tells you never to sms and all sorts and you think its normal.........naïve much???
And then the girls who fall victim to girlfriend deniers. These ones I almost feel sorry for. I know a guy dating 2girls at the moment, chasing the 3rd. Cant help but wonder how much time he has on his hands or how much drama he can take because I know we girls have issues......obviously once in a while they get suspicious, he lies, they believe and life goes on..........
If you find yourself here, deal with your man NEVER the girl, afterall he denied you in the 1st place.

And yes some married men deny their wifes too......

2) I fell in love wit the wrong person: correct me if I'm wrong but love doesn't happen overnight....or does it??? You meet a guy, there's obvious chemistry, you find out he has a family/girlfriend yet you still call/chat/visit him regularly and later you blame cupid???.........that's more like stupid. Yes I know love can be a bitch but in this situation you led it on.

3)Mistake: I've heard this one a lot, 'I didn't mean to, it was a mistake". In the words of eminem "what? You tripped, fell and landed on his d***??" better still 'blame it on the alcohol' alright permission granted.....but you keep going back to him?? Good mistake that must've been.

4) Less complicated: boys are too possessive, boys have too much drama.........I want sex with no strings................2nd place is good enough for you..... Really?? If you say so.

5) He said he'll leave his wife/girlfriend for me: LOL!!!!! You really don't believe that do you?? 'Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free??' Ok fine he marries know he'll cheat right?? No?? Do you need a reminder of how you got in so fast??

6) Revenge: ok my friend suggested this one but I really don't want to believe girls are this stupid........his chic did somthing to you so you start dating her man/husband....infact scrap one is this silly.

7) Money: this is the most popular reason (even though they rarely admit it). I know a girl who barely an hour after meeting a married man was on her way with him to a different state....errr have you ever heard of rituals?? Forget rituals whatever happened to values?? Someone said: 'what's the point afterall you sleep with your boyfriend for free' all I could say was WOW.
A while back some girls drowned in the ocean (yes ocean) after their boat capsized on their way back from Nembe (an island in Bayelsa). They went for the coronation ceremony of one of the chiefs... Wen I heard, the 1st thought I had was 'how much were they paid??' That's my village and the water still scares me. It'll take you almost 3hours using a speedboat from matter what,. The pay can't be that good.

And of course the girl struggling to make ends meet/feed her family/train her has been hard.......I really hope things get better for these ones......its a pity the girls in this category r relatively few.

And I ask "you know about karma??" The usual reply: whether you do it or not your husband/bf will still cheat" and it hurts that this is the long as there are girls with this mentality out there......some even dont wait to be toasted any more.......they'll run after your man.

Finally we all know how wedding vows go "for better for worse.................forsaking all others till death do us part." You say I do, slip in the ring, right infront of God and you break it??? Let's thank God for his mercies. I'm sure If you made that vow in okija shrine you'll think twice before breaking it. I think some people should edit that part before saying the vows.

I'm not perfect, NO ONE IS. But before we condemn men saying "all men cheat", we should accept that they do so because we females allow it. If EVERY girl decides not to have anything wit these "not available" men, I don't think the topic of cheating in relationships will pop up so often...................except of course the gay guys.... Those ones are on their own.

A penny for your thoughts.


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