Tuesday, April 6, 2010

implication Tuface

If you haven't heard this song, then clearly you won't understand.

Everybody Move, shift, dress. The kid is back!!!
This song is too on point.
The foremost contender of Nigerian Music or pop or RnB or whatever it is mr Idibia sings
He is back and he is on form!!!!

I love his music because everyone can relate. If u can't... U are like judas. Yes isicariot. The one that betrayed Jesus. Haba how can u not like this song???

This song is clearly a "bitches sit down, I run this industry" and I love that everyone knows

I won't mention names. But u better get down and dirty and go get ur act together istead of u living on hype.
Off course I have a picture with Tu_face. Yes ke. Thank you very much.
I ran into him at the club and shamelessly oggled him till he agreed to take d picture.

Now the kid is FresH!!! And I think what makes this song hot is the fact that the ratio of english to Idoma is like 1 to 15 respectively!!! Ooohhhh champagne is spilling from my wee wee. I Love this song. I love tu-face aND I wanna be a baby mama too.
Ok I kid.

But this song makes me ask a particular question.

Who do this beat??? ( No disrespect to MI) but the beat is wicked!
Now onto more controversial matters.

I saw butterfly on a wheel this holiday (easter) oh and happy belated easter holiday!!
Hope yall had a good one.

And why do men cheat?? Simple there would always be a waste girl waiting to derive. Joy from the fact that someones husband finds then intresting.

Or even better some other woman who will do it iresspective of the fact that they know he is married with 10kids from 5 women. Just like tu-face. *blush*

Altho I want 2 be his baby mama I know better. And I won't.
Even worse some people know better and still go ahead.

So I happen 2 know a particular boy that has been involved with 3 friends from d same circle. I know because they are my friends. And I asked his friend and he said. Women lack loyalty. That he has NO friend that will date his ex girlfriend.

I have few female friends and even I can't brag like that. He said all his friends repsect themselves too much 2 get that messy. There and then for that fleeting second, every woman that had ever sniped her friend or another woman after a man. Made me ashamed 2 be a woman. :(
Its just wrong. We are enough people in the world for every1 2 avoid dating their friends ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. There are too many diff circles. Yes I know he will be someones ex-bf, but that somebody should not be some1 you have called you friend.

Its just wrong. And that makes u a waste girl.

End of story.

Tu-face is the best... All the rest.. Can like 2 sit down!!!

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