Monday, April 12, 2010


2.15am Rehab night club


Looking around i checked to see if anyone saw. actually make that everyone. now im not one for pda but i couldnt just stop. especially since i have never had a bad boy before. yes i am an acclaimed bad girl.
that is the reason my lover of over
years decided to call it quits. well to be fair it was more like 1 year offical boyfriend, 3 unofficial lover and stand in bed warmer and almost two years of vicious toasting/ pursuing/ chasing/ *insert appropriate term*
now i have always had a man, i have never been single. in the words of my friends
you oreoluwa, were not made to be alone

well so i got down from the table after the kiss fiasco and stauntered past all off them. waiting to see who would be the first.

in as much as i despised the kissee, ultimate serial dater, bragger and total bull shit talker, i knew nothing would piss him off more.

earlier that night
clad in patterned wetlooks and a sequined corset with aldo sandals completing the outfit. i set out to hit the club with my girls.

i hate girls. if i have too out with them, something must be wrong. especially this set of girls, but tonight this was the exact company i needed, to get past this night.

earlier in the day.

i had spent 6 hours taking out my dread locks i had had on for the last 6 months, relaxed my hair, got a full fringe. God bless Yinka. i loved how i looked.

i skipped work to get my hair done, this wont be the first time though, but this time was special.

called a few of my friends, the ones i knew he could never understand and stand and invited them to a night out on me. all girls no boys.
i was finally ready to be single.
or at least be seen without him. i should have called my male best friend up and let him take out. but i knew better. besides my best male friend is a party animal. he was going to be there. well he had to be. he was a major part of my plan.

8.30pm Picolomondo

my best male friend has drinks there with his friends that have become mine. yes u heard me. beside his cousin has been giving me the eye for so long. maybe i should involve him?? No need to bother my pretty head. tonight was going well. acording to plan. this was a total feeler of what tonight will be. apparently the fring was cute. three bottles of red wine amongst four of us. and a couple of lewd comments about my dress. we left.

on my way out i saw his best friend. i was attached to bestfriends cousins arm. we looked very attached. especially as he was crawling all over me. i didnt say hi. and breezed past him and his posse.

i knew he already knew i was out tonight. thats what u have friends that talk about other peoples businesses for. that was why i invited this particular set of girls.

best friends cousin dropped me off, after a really long drive around the island. i love boys that are attracted to me. they are like play dough. he made me promise to be out tonight. i agreed. after all that alcohol he began to look "do-able".

11.45pm at home

walked in to meet the girls already comfy. proceeded to tell them the rest of the plans of the night. another bottle of red wine. i need to get loose.
after a shower, i began to get into the mood.

popping size 8 tags have never made me happier. all those hours at the gym and best friends pool had paid off. homegirl one said to me

sweetie, serena's ass has nothing on you

12.57am in the car, on adetokunbo ademola.

i see our get away weekend hide out and for that fleeting moment, i am sad. maybe i should be more forgiving. maybe i should let it go. homegirls see whats happening and say " maybe you should have taken him back", " he still wants you" ," even his mum begged you"

was i being too difficult, nope. i didnt think i was cut out to be in a relationship with someone who would cheat and lie to me. and then employ the public to beg on his behalf. that was typical loser behaviour. you did the crime now do ur time.

1.10am Rehab

driving in was a breeze, it was also one of the perks of being with him. its also one of the reasons why i hadnt made public knowledge our split. the other was just incase i did take him back. altho i doubt it. seeing his car parked there was funny. my space was empty. how these girls managed to get me this parking space remains a mystery till now. i hadnt been out in weeks.

i walked right into best friends cousin. he seem happy, maybe he thought i came for him. while exchanging pleasantries ( which consisted of a rather tight full frontal hug, a bit of necking on his part and a kiss on the cheek on my part) we saw the same best friend that was a picolo... i smiled and acknowledged him.i nodded. he seemed shocked to see me out. he started to walk towards us, to wait or to run....
bestfriends cousin must have been desprate to be introduced to someone i knew. seeing as he too d pain to introduce himself. *sigh*

i asked how he was and all that random weather talk. all this while BF's cousins arms were allover me. it looked very comfotable. a bit too comfortable. i walked away looking back only to make sure he was on his black berry alerting him. and as sure as tuface isnt done having baby mama's. he was. hhe looked up and smiled. i smiled back.

1.3oam Rehab. bestfriends table.

i didnt want to drink anymore, or have fun or table top dance. i just wanted to go home. then my phone rang and i saw the number i could never forget, noy in a thousand years. i also knew he was watching me. so i gave the phone to bestfriend and we both burst into laughter. i would never know why he was laughing. but i was laughing because it was working. all off it was falling into place.

1.45am Rehab. pool side.

sitting down by a pool having someone tel you how beautiful you are, its amazing. even more when its in the 1am hour and the full moon is so blue. and offcourse you have had so much to drink. actually toomuch to drink. so i sat and listened. when he asked how come i had this mini rose toywatch. i replied" my boyfriend wanted his back so i went and got mine" .that was the only refrence to him, the watch. we got them last year when we vacationed, he finally took timeoff work and so did i. it was a sunny afternoon. in all our five years together it was the only thing we had that was "his and hers" and i always wore his. till i left it at his and came in the next day and dint see it there. 2 weeks later someone else was spotted wearing my boyfriends watch. that i left on his bedside. the watch we hand picked. the watch i wore in our nude photo session in paris. the watch that was my promise ring. while mine sat on my dressing table. he wore it once. and i took it back. he was too careless i couldnt take any risks.

2am Rehab. bestfriends table
implication is on, im dancing and jiggling my huge bum everywhere ands really letting loose, having fun, i was almost happy. i was dancing with him. i really dint like him. he talked toomuch, and about nonsense. but i knew he was attracted to me. he made this very clear a number of times. the tennis braclet, i gave that out, since then he hasnt been so pleased with me. maybe it was the alchol but we were dancing and rude boy came on. he pulled on to the table.

2.20am Rehab

my phone is ringing and buzzing and blinking red. i love lagos. the gossip girls never sleep. i put it on silent and retract my home girls. that was hard. walking out, past him alone was harder. he wanted to talk. about what only God knows.

and my was bull shit talker a rather good kisser. maybe i should make him mine. maybe we'll have beach side sex.. maybe he'll be the new loveer.

2.23am Rehab

i notice how people are gathered, i snap out of my night dream and i realise he has been talking/ shouting/ pulling me. it was the pulling that snapped me out. then as calm as dove i said "im taking my girls home, breakfast at cactus 8.15am?, we'll talk without all the drama. yes?"

he said " dont be late"

i got into my car and drove off.
would i show up at cactus?? maybe...

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