Tuesday, April 13, 2010

again today/ random thoughts

I am blogging from my . Because my driver. Or the one my mother employed and my lover insisted must be in the car at all times with me. Since I'm such a shitty driver did not show up. Yes after disappearing yesterday the stupid fuck refused to come to work. Hisssssss

I'm not even pissed anymore. Just sad for his family. He has to go.

So since I drove to work and work happens to be in marina there is no packing space. And did I mention my tank was empty??? So I couldn't drive with the air conditioner on?? And I wore or I'm wearing a sweater???

Anyways since there is no packing, I had to call my other driver, the more sensible of the two, who happens 2 be on leave to come and get the car. I called him by 9.30. Its 9.55 he isn't here. And he lives on d next street. I'm not even angry.

But I can't leave the car because I'm parked in between 2 two "no parking signs" and I can see a tow van. Plus it isn't even the company I'm auditings side I'm parked in.

AND I told the security guy that I wasn't coming down till my driver came 2 get fuel.

Got my nails did yday at my neighbors while awaiting my driver. Because when I go home I was locked out.

I used to weigh 50 when I was in Uni now I weigh 68.

My nails look like an escorts own.

I am fat. I nEED to get my act together.

The only person pleased with all this fat is my mum. Finally no more model talk.

I hate being fat.

So I'm gonna start walking again

Now its 10oclock and my other driver still isn't here. Maybe he went to ikorodu. *sigh*

I want 10million naira.

But I need about only 100,000 naira.

Apparently the person who made my hair used. A fake weave. It explains a lot

This happens 2 be the 1st time I'm getting my hair done and no one has asked for a refrence. :(

The hair is really shitty.

Apparently my boss gave me the wrong thing to do. Now I have to do it all over again.

I can't shout at my boss.

I hate being so lady like.

I'm just gonna take the bus home today. Since this is Nigeria, I'll just take bus. It cost N30.

It may also cost me my official laptop but so what??

And may earn me screaming from my lover. KBD??

Today is my uncles birthday. I dunno how old he is turning. He has that football age thing going on.

I would go and eat birthday rice at his tonight.

I wanted to go to magodo today. I can't drive myself there.

Because I do not know how to get there. *sigh* islander syndrome.

But seriously all the directional boards on the mainland point to either Maryland or Ibadan.

And if I do get lost in lagos. I won't hear the last of it.

Maybe I should get the damn L plates and get it over with.

I hate people that get on the elevator 1st floor and get out 3rd floor. Lazy fuck.

I hate people that have BO and smell when they enter the elevator.

The ones I hate the most, are those who get on at the 1st floor going to the ground floor especially when I have been alone the whole ride down.

I want to get a belly piercing. But I can't have sex till it heals.

Approx estimated time of healing totally = 6 months.

Pass on that piercing. *sigh*

I watched a Nigerian non-yoruba movie yesterday.

In the movie Mercy Johnson said " I distaste you" in stead of detest.

Who write these scripts? Do they edit Nigerian Movies at alls?

I aslo saw an advert of another Nigerian movie titled "far away from home"

It featured Regina askia.

The mercy Johnson movie was titled "white hunters"

And as usual she said "haba check and balance me" turning her huge behind to the camera.

Lover thinks she is ridiculously hot. She has a belly and is a dirty looking girl.

About her acting skills she and jim iyke rank the same.

Oh and beyonce and rihanna part 3 and 4 are out.

I think my exams are getting to me.

And I love yoruba movies.

Thank God I don't wear brown powder anymore. *sigh* the oil on my face is enuf to fry dodo.

Festus is coming home today. :D

I wonder why I am excited? I've missed our random conversations. :d

I think I see my driver now. Its about 10.15am

I also think I shud fix this  problem and add my boss back on bbm.

And dewumi too. And every1 who has complained. That I can't accept them. When I don't get requests.

I want a bold two.

I need a back rub.

I need a holiday get away. This 9-5 is not for me

I was made to enjoy the nicer things in life. And I'm tired of waiting. I'm going out to grab them by the balls.

And no the nicer things in life aren't men. The balls thing is a metaphor.

I miss having nothing to woRry about. Like exams or my pot belly.

Irene would read this and call me dramatic. Babes get ur blog :d

Ok I'm tired. I want 2 sleep.


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