Friday, October 12, 2012

Din Din with Mr L.

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.... (Proverbs 15:17
So last night I went to dinner with Mr Lover Lover. LOL

Well not exactly dinner, we were watching Tv and his friends just showed up and we had to leave the room and come out to hang with them * insert eye roll here*

I love them, But I like Tv with the Lover too.

Anyways by the time this set was gone- another set had come.

While the 1st set were around, they kept talking about this place in Vi that served really good food and it was ridiculously cheap and yada yada yada.

So being the awoof lover turned foodie that I am- I said " Lover dearest take me"

Me looked and me and said " never, you'd hate it"

thinking to myself that I had found the perfect spot for breakfast with the girlies ( when I do find the girlies)

I insisted and all that jazz.

So we said tomorrow, we would go to the " place"

but then I remembered I had plans for tonight, ( washing my hair, doing my nails and trying out an oil cleanse)
 which I did not disclose-

#sidebar I used to love doing stuff like that- Hair washing and nail coloring- Now life has just come and taken away all my damn time. Hate it.

So half way through coloumbiana he said - Oya lets go, because I wont hear word.

So we headed there. And as we walked in he told me there are a few white guys around.

And i'm wondering to myself- What has that got to do with anything?

White men seem to be everywhere these days.- so I shrugged it off. Mistake of life.

as we approached the restaurant- there was a warning that said " Chewing gum is not allowed"


Anyways wetin concern me? I kuku wasn't chewing any gum.

As we entered, I felt like I had been transported into an ashawos R us convention.

#sidebar In Lagos where there are white men- ashawos flock to the place like flies following shit.

half the girls were naked. the serving girls were dressed like hooters wanna be waitresses.


My lord- I just made a mental note that nothing would ever take me there again.

the Lover saw the look on my face- and sent me a look that said " I told you so"

so I just said- Shut up abeg. " But I didn't say anything" he protested.

"But you were thinking it so shush."

"I told you so"

so the server girl came and took our orders-
he had wings, fries and a cheese burger.

I had a chicken escalope and mashed potatoes.

our food took about 20 minutes to come which we filled with mindless chatter and I kept attempting to wipe off the data on his phone, and he kept trying to kiss my hand and sing to me.

it was cute- In a weird way it reminded me of when I met him and were used to just kick back and chill.

half way through our meal- this girl walked in and this white man just jumped on her and refused to let her see road- and I was like really?

What do white men see in prostitutes anyways?

The Lover replied-
Everything- For one, these are the girls who have their time. the are free to hang out at 2 in the afternoon and 1am in the morning and what have you. they are their answers to jungle fever with little or no resistance.

Plus the men dont even know these are prostitutes, I mean they cant really grade them, as far as they are concerned, these are the hottest babes.

It made some sense- But still was very disgusting to watch.

The lover asked me twice what I wanted for my birthday this year and I replied

"Better is little with the fear of God, than great treasure and trouble therewith"

I want to go on holiday.

Simple, I know I have had 3 this year- will it be bad to do another two?

afterall I dont recall coming to this life to suffer.

He replied " We'll see, can you get time off work?"

me: What work? hell YEAAAHHHHHH!

Anyways I couldnt finish my food so i took some home for his brother while he took his burger home as well.

Last night was decent solid fun. the kind of banter that makes me thing separate rooms in marriage is madness.

Also I know with every fibre of my being that it isn't.

Saturday is here and SURPRISEEEEEE I still have no idea what to wear. Maybe a sleeveless blazer. I bought two on my prior holiday and I'm yet to wear the black one.

Although I do not want to be over dressed- I dont think its such a bad thing- You know?

So party this weekend- While I attempt to drag the lover to this new church on sunday- Sam adeyemi is going to be there and I totally adore him and his ministry.

Asides that, No solid plans for the weekend.

just kick back and chill. and dear friday- You really took your sweet time showing up this week.

It wasnt really funny.

1 comment:

Quaggar said...

Err.. you know it was only a matter of time before someone asked this... Pls what's the name of this place and where?

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