Thursday, October 18, 2012

Birthday wish list and all that Jazz

Before you were formed I knew you.

For the plans I have for you are good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end.

This morning, Mr Lover asked me what I wanted again for my birthday.

I said holiday.

He said December.

I said give me cash.

He said, I already ordered your present, I don't know if it will arrive before then.

Me- whatever you do. Make me excited.

Him: You are always excited.

Again this year- I have no idea what I want for my birthday.

Contentment or just plain confused.

I have been happy most of the year.

And I'm even happier still about my news - that I'm not ready to share yet.

So for my birthday- what do I want this year?

Cases of moscato. I think. I really do not know.

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