Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Rude, Beauty & the Beast and Grace being unmerited favor.

So I'm sat with my new shiny creative and they say,

You are actually rude you know? But I really over look it because I know it is not malicious, you are just badly behaved.

*cackles* You are getting there, we would be really really good friends and you sound like all my friends.

They really enable your bad behavior

You are part of the "they" now.



I saw beauty and the beast yesterday asides the fact that- the person that was cast as Belle had a British accent (because to Hollywood Europe is one country)- the movie was perfect.

And if this is the line Disney wants to tow re: cartoon to live motion adaptations they need to do Aladdin next.

Also slight petition for GDC to steal the crepe guy from Silverbird? Please?

Ps: Asides praying where do you go for advice?

Pss: I keep getting really interesting requests to do things. It's scary that you people have so much faith in me.

Psss: I'm back to going late to work. It was only that one day I managed to come early last week- Big Fat Shame.

Pssss: My uncle is in town and lorrrrd I swear we have all the really difficult conversations I can't seem to have with anyone else, plus he constantly encourages me to take the high road and be a better person and he reminds me that grace is unmerited favor.

I think during lunch this week I'm going to tell him how satisfying the low road is,

I mean it's pretty crowded but there is so much fun to be had!

I love it.

Psssss; If  you are a male fitness enthusiast, message me abeg. Lets sculpt my body. I'm ready now.

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