Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ash Wednesday and old friends catch up

So after work yesterday I went to church to get some ash on my head and be reminded that
all of this is vanity
I can not take anything away
from dust I came
and from dust I will return

Always such a sober reflection.

Fastforward to after service and being slightly irritated with church members who block the drive way entrance because they came late BUT SOMEHOW DECIDE TO SOCIALIZE AND BLOCK EVERYONE ELSE. Very Unfair! Sad!


I popped in to see one of my old friends, we caught up about how I am, how I have been, how he has been.
And it was just easy to talk to someone who I had known for ages and just basically have a no air conversation.

Anyway today he sends me a message just a general thanks for coming, it was good to see you, do not be a stranger type message. I reply with one giant heart beating emoticon. ( Love that function on whatsapp)

His response:

"Like I said, don't ever for one second, look back and think u dulled it some where or u made the wrong moves, or you didn't put in enough effort...... bullshit Bants. That was not ur road to walk..."

It warmed my heart.
That was not your road to walk.

One of the things I asked for this year/lent from God was clarity.

And maybe it is time I start to listen.

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