Tuesday, March 7, 2017


I was not going to blog today but anyway since I'm here:

Currently listening to the Ed sheeran album "Divide" and I am thanking him on behalf of all the 2017 Nigerian brides for giving us newly minted first dance songs and retiring "Thinking out loud"

Totally adore the whole album- ADORE!

Potential faves: Perfect**. Dive. Save myself.

I do not even like Ed Sheeran because not my spec but I need someone to introduce him to me so I can tell him something.

And reminisce needs to leave because he has been over thrown.

Ed sheeran has my heart.

*Insert heart beating emoji*

** I took a crying break for this song. and i's going to be on repeat on my ipod today so If you see me in traffic bawling my eyes out. It's Ed's fault.

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