Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

I was going to do this all day.

BUt before i start.

Thank you everybody, the presents, your presence the messages, phone calls. everything.

It was just too much.

I have the most amazing friends yall.

And to every one who came tonight despite the traffic. Thank you. It means a lot to me especially as Sbaby was mocking me that no one was coming.

Thank all of you.

Extra spesh Shout out to Rozay*! I love you baby.

No for real, i Love him very very plenty.

Ive been sending him raunchy bbm messages all evening, thats the kinda shit love does to you.

So i didnt intend to do anything or even have anyone over sef- as always.

Then day before yesterday, i Ran into( ok not ran into) went to see My aunt, who convinced me she had everything on lockdown.

and she did.

cooler of rice, small chops, drinks. all i had to do was pick up.

and that i did.
Shout out to oneki.

As if i knew i would eat as if there was no tomorrow( totally bad move) i started my Birthday with prayer with my mother - In which she shamelessly plugged the need for me to get married, i mean i know its prayer and all, but not with me, about me and on my birthday-still Love my momma.

Then at 5:30 i dragged my ass to the gym. yes you people are seeing right. at 5:30am.

I went to the gym.

Although i dont feel slimmer i beliee God rewards hard work.

Went to work late- Because of my mum, - who gave me the most Amazing birthday pressie.

Then my Phone and bbm and Lord my Facebook.

Truly Truly and Truly, i felt Loved.

Only downside to this, i earned like 30 new contacts- although i intend to delete them all in 2 weeks.

Back to feeling loved. since i am obscenely emotional( i cry) when people shower me with affection. I promised myself that no matter what happens to day i wont cry.

But When Ivana and Olivia ( My little cousins in yankee) called me today my bladder behind my eyes gave way and i started weeping. only a little.

I could feel the love. - i think this is inexplicable but i know what im saying.

anyways fast forward to after lunch, My girles< Itunes, Sab and Yeriye> came to my office to visit me. :)

and we were just there gisting in the visiting room, when a delivery guy walked in with a cake. FOR ME!!!!

Iwas too blown away. i was like :O then *insert weeping smiley* but good tears.

i had them take it away because the useless front desk guy there that always gives me grief was showing a bit too much interest in the said cake.

5:25 at oshodi and there is traffic, luckily for me Mr Esan My Mopol driver is the one taking me around this week. We one-wayed a number of ilupeju roads, especially coker link road to oshodi. it was a mess, But When Mr E is driving i feel kinda safe( i also love the lawlessness of Nigerians)

When someone that was controlling traffic at the junction where we were taking one way tried to stop us, he abused the person and said this yeye boys scout. and He knew he was wrong.

as i said, i love the lawlessness of Lagos driving.

anyways so i find my way to Ebutemetta to pick up the food. Oneki has a mini cooler waiting to have me taste the rice. Tastes Fucking delish.

we get home. and My friends are already waiting for me.

It was an amazing Night, Alcohol, good company, Presents, back and forth good natured banter, party Jollof rice, Small chops and Debo.

The night couldnt possibly get better, then Officer Ricky showed up.

and it was a Wrap!

Then my mum came in 1 hour later and said, " ah i dont see any champagne on the table, where is it, You mean you didnt give them any?" Oya go up and get some.

Na so popping of champagne enter the matter.

it was Such an awesome Night. and i am thankful, for the presents, the calls, messages, new addtions on bbm, pin messages, OMG the tweets!!!- that i would soon finish replying ni oruko Jesu, face book wall posts and messages- Which i have NO intentions of even replying, everything was just too much. if any thing topped game night and karaoke put together- it was this.

My Birthday was Amazing. and from the bottom of my heart i Thank everybody that made it that. God bless you< Richly.

Extra Shout out to my cousin for my bottles of Moscato. :)

I dont want yesterday to even end. but it has. and i am truly thankful for Gods blessings in my life.

Ps: So happy birthday to Ori and Bomo. I love you both.

Pss: All variations of the names of Rick ross the rapper ie Officer Ricky, Rozay etc is in reference to the Lover.

1 comment:

Ori O said...

Yay I got a mention.........

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