Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery

I heart Bob Marley.

I lock my hair BUT i do not smoke weed.

I actually cant.

Early morning workouts for the win.

Can i just categorically state that if you can sing- dont fucking come to karaoke.

those Project fame fall outs dealt with us last night.

Last Night was my friends surprise party.

That her Boyfriend and Her Best friend planned her.

Mental slavery is real.

Anyways it was an amazing night. good food alcohol and friends.


I Love to sing, i sing everywhere.

its unfortunate i sound like shit. but still i sing.

On friday My mother and i were watching the Miss Nigeria show.

and she turned and looked and me and said " why havent you gone for this thing sef"


My mother would kill me if i even attempt to think about it. or so i thought. now here she is encouraging me to do and do Miss nigeria.

I just said oh ive never thought about it.

Then she said " think about it, besides you are far more beautiful than any of these girls"

*cheese* i know people say Monkey no fine but him mama like am.

But i really am beautiful.

I know because all my friends abuse me everytime i put a new picture saying

you can feel cute with your self.. and the likes.

anyways so after karaoked , I dragged my friend to follow me to the lovers place.

I've never been an advocate of my friends being friends with the lover.
I mean my friends are great But i'd rather not have them hover around my lover tenz.
By the way he doesnt even like all those extra things of friendships. of friends and blah blah blah.

but she was rolling with me, so we went together to see him.

She also hates him btw- i cant be bothered.

But midway through the visit- she pulled me into the kitchen and said yall are too cute.

and im like please dont tell anyone- I would hate for anyone else to think we arent Bonny and clyde.

The lover is such a boss and im such a babe.

But it was a good visit none the less. and i love good visits with the lover.

Oh by the way i have a bathroom now- although i hate the color.

I really like it.
Which means i would have as few people over as possible.
before badbelle people come and spoil it for me.



i swear its my fucking sports bra.

i started working out and they just started increasing.

they have always been perky but the increase was alarming.

AND NOW- everyone thinks i did my boobs.

I mean i know my body is at its best shape yet.

#shamelessplug www.xoxoclubbadass.blogspot.com

But like play like play one person will soon start spreading rumours that i did my boobs.

which is actually why im yacking about my weight loss and all the effort im putting in.

because i know bad belle people are gonna be on that she is taking pills tip.

I know this because when i put on weight they were on that " she is having unprotected sex and is o'ding on postinor II tip"

and there i was just eating myself away into the rumours.

Moving on- YAY to morning work outs.

For one i get the best compliments- someone asked me why i come to the gym, he actually said " But you are so beautiful, what are you doing here"

In my mind, im like err- Do people come to the gym to become beautiful?"

i just said " oh thank you"

Thats how yesterday when i was pulling out of the venue the parking guy said" ah Miss world"

I asked him, is it me you are calling Miss world? he said yes now- you no sabi as you fine reach.

had to tip him N100. the washing is just too much.

Gats put my body in Victoria secret Model shape for My home girl Doyins Birthday.

WOOOOOP! Gonna shut the pool dowwwwwn.

I actually tied on my sarong today.

Gats look sexxxay.

oh and speaking of emancipating myself from mental slavery.

I do not have a crush on Noc

urgh a part of me gansta died a litte having to admit that.

But now that ive admitted it. i probably wont be able to stand him again.

I swear Im like oil and water on this crush issue.

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