Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy place

I am at a happy place right now.

And it has nothing to do with payday.

It's satisfaction. That can only be derived from self accomplishment.

From something as little as making someone smile.

Or proving someone wrong.

Or letting everything just be in their own lane and you in yours, and waving when being wove (is that a word? Wove?) to.

Basically for someone like me who makes it her sole aim to be the rock for most of my friends - who never show appreciation.

Being in. Happy place is learning that people either friend or foe are generally forgetful and not necessarily ungrateful. I mean some are, but not all.

So I having learned this, I kinda never minded if a friend I was there for somehow managed to never be there for me. Or show appreciation.

However at my friends cook out/pop up restaurant thingy yesterday he was so thankful, and grateful and what not, I was actually surprised.

And I was happy, e en though I had learned that people are generally ungrateful.

His gratitude reminded me that doing good, can make me hAppy.

It's just odd.

That something so small can make me so happy.

It just goes to show how much God must appreciate our thanks.

Makes mental note to say thank you more often. To any and every body

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