Friday, July 27, 2012

Rust Geek and Ani

About three nights ago, I was surfing the interwebs and stumbled upon this
First I thought, this seems like skywalker with all the big english and laborious reading.

Lord I hate laborious reading. For me, any kind of reading that requires concentration is uber laborious.

I loathe it. However, I Rust geek and Ani's blogs are laborious reads, but somehow worth it.

They tell their stories in their own  unique ways, giving insight to their various journeys.

While they aren't 1800 writes a la charlotte bronte, they have a different style that I am coming to terms with.

So Ani consider this a febble attempt at apologizing for  my religious complaining about your use of unnecessary synonyms.
Although small words wont hurt every now and then.

1 comment:

TheRustGeek said...

lol.. calling us out publicly now are you? :) two more blogs to add to the google reader thing for me then..

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