Monday, July 2, 2012

Half year report

It is with a heavy heart I write this post. I have been putting off for some time now, simply because


I'm coming to terms with this, both resolutions I had for the year I couldn't keep.

I am yet to send in my applications for school.

* I'm disgusted at myself for this one- especially as I've actually finished writing the damn essays*

I have just refused to apply. I can not understand it.

2. I have no lost weight. Well I lost weight and dropped to 67kg.

But in my bouts of depression, I slacked off- Stopped working out and running at night and jumping rope and started eating late.

not surprisingly I stepped on the scale and taddaaaaaaa 70.9kg.

To be honest I was secretly glad. 3kg is not as much.:)

So yes, while there was a major decrease and then an increase. the overall effect is a decrease. But it is not enough to give me a pass.

So now that I have that nastiness out of the way- Guess who worked all week last week?

I did- This is the reason why I'm unable to do personal stuff I really want to do.

Like learn how to play the piano. Or perfect my best breast stroke. ( yes I realise how sexual that sounds)

But one of my newest resolutions is to try as much as possible to NOT work weekends.

I'm too young to work weekends/ not have a life. I intend to start going to swim every morning at 6am, but the lagos rains, would not let me be great.


I can not wait for the weekend. 1. The Lover's birthday is in 5days. *insert shriek here*

I'm always so excited!

2. I know what to give him. *Insert Louder scream*

The Lover's baby brother and I are off to see a movie tonight. Totally impromtu. I love the relationship that I have with them. we all adore each other. More on their side. They call me their sister. They are so adorable.

However I worry that my family doesnt have that relationship with them. But whatevz!

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