Tuesday, July 3, 2012



I just prepared three accounts- with the cashflows, 3 year  financial summary, balance sheet. profit and loss account. notes, supplementary information AND a value added statement.

Yes I hate my job, BUT I love how much I have learnt/ am learning over the past 18months I've been here.

I know this is such a small deal. But I never even thought I'd be here able to do this- Even in Uni I couldn't prepare a cash flow from a TB of 5 lines.

I am obscenely proud of myself.

The Lover's first birthday present arrives today.

We are all so excited!

So Last night, Liz told her husband- Mr Black the celebrity photographer, how beautiful I am. He then asked to see my pictures.

When he was done he said it me " your job doesn't do you justice, everytime I see you, you are tired, worn out and looking stressed. Seeing your pictures, I can only imagine the girl your man fell in love with. Stop letting yourself go like this, life can not be that serious"

I like when people I don't even know look out for me.

Its nice to know that even when your friends are not near- God is always near sending angles like Mr Black over.

However- I took Mr Black seriously and decided to wear some make up, a brooch and do move my jillian back to my iPad and attempt to work out regularly.

Hopefully I would be faithful.

Here is a picture of what I'd like to look like in 5 months.

How I intend to measure this- The repair of third mainland bridge.

LOL. July- November. Jokers.

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