Monday, June 14, 2010

Be careful what you wish for...

Because you just might get it. that being said. Zer is back.

*gasp* i know. anyways he called me to meet up and have drinks at his place.

what i heard was: come to my house its empty, lets get drunk and see what happens.

so what i said was: im really really really busy.

what i hope he heard was: get the fuck away from me, or behind me oh rich hot, money dispensing boy before you make me regret my actions.

so he said: ok but im gonna keep calling you till you are free.

what i heard was: bitch i am not backing down.
so i sighed.

what i hope heard was: damn when would men get that i dont want to be chased and persistence can actually turn to stalking.

i know God said ask and it shall be given( Matt7:7). but i am NOT God. so ihave nothing to gibe Zer. God please let him stop asking. Thank you.

anyhoos how was the weekend? good? bad? same old?. my tailor messed up my dress for my mothers 50th. so i am dressless. im not mad tho. just fucking pissed off.

anyways,i got a VUVUZELA. yes i have caught the world cup fever. and im excited during the games. i find my self screaming things like..
"take it"

"ghen ghen"

"oohh slow rat, pass jare".

what worries me is that i scream all of this to my tv, which doesnt say anything back:(

oh well.
and i promise i am fine. i also realised that i have begun to enjoy my own company a lot more than usual. i love this. really really. and no im not an introvet, i have just found myself in love with print. and WOW. i have gotten my reading mojo back.

in other news i dont think our boys played well on saturday, i believe we could have done better, there were too many shots on target, like damn that argetine goalie may have as well just gotten his nails painted red before the game.. and use the 90mins to watch it dry.

shout out to eyeama. nice one out there, for keeping the score-line respectable.
but it was a good game to watch.

i alos have like 4or 5 birthdays this week. *excited* coupled with the fact that,my mum is hitting the big 50 on thursday. yayyyy! i wish my elder sister wpuld just get her act together and get married. dammit. mummy said she wanted son-in-laws in her 50th birthday

if she was serious she wont have sent us to that covenant university.
ok im done here. book time.
have a good week people.


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