Thursday, June 17, 2010


if i have to descibe my mother in any word, i'd use diva.

my mother is a true diva in the sense of the word, she has so much style and class and doesnt live above her means.

i havent always been the easiest child to deal with, plus i have 2 other siblings, but she has been there through everything.

she was so a diva she didnt beat us when we did something wrong. she delegated that duty to the security men of the estate we lived in. at odd hours of the mornini know how odd it sounds, but she couldnt bring her self to beat her kids, but thye had 2 be beaten. see pure Diva .

she has no friends in the workplace, she doesnt need them, she says mixing business with friendship, creates to much grey for her liking. like a true diva she wants every thing her way, black or white.

she is honest, hardworking and the proper example of Miss independent.

she has her own and she isnt afraid to share it. she knows its never gonna finish, because there is more where it came from. there would always be more.

she is God fearing, and walks uppright in his ways.

she isnt easy to love.. but lets face it. is any diva easy too? she cahrms you with her person. looking back, i dont think anyone in this life could loveme more.

and i dont think there is anyone on earth, that i love, respect and cherish more than her.
i dont know about you but i have the best mother in the world, and i thank God everyday for her in my life.

she vexes me, sometimes, but mostimes she makes me so happy its incredible.

all my people skills i have received from her.

she has taught me to look after myself.

mother dearest. happy birthday. i wish you all the best that life has to offer.

im also sorry on ife and my behalf that we have no grand child to offeer you on this landmark. also that we have no son-in-law for your picture.

but if its any consolation, december is still far. something may just come up.

thank you and God bless you in excess.
i cant thank you enough. i cant love you enough. and i know i wont be able to repay you, thats why i wouldnt bother, but i want you to know that i love you with every fibre of my being. i cant have asked for a better mother. i love you. very plenty.

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