Friday, April 4, 2014

First day back at work and interweb reviews.

I feel like I never ever left.

Office politics, My friends are hovering around me and being non judgemental about all the weight I have put on, my bossess are happy one more minion has returned.

Nothing changes.

So since my laptop was not ready,  My manager- one of the numerous, sent me to marina- I work in Ikoyi to pick up a cheque from one of our clients.

fastforward to getting to marina, I was asked to go and lodge said check but only after going to my office to get it lodged into the accounting system.

Parking in Marina is close to impossible, but Ore pulled it off, without paying a kobo to omonile.

But that is neither here nor there.

I came back home that evening to and took a nap. woke up to 3 missed calls and a watsapp message from some number I did not know.

I ignored and drifted back to sleep- only to be awoken by the a phone call from said number.

Long and short, when I went to my office in Marina, since I am yet to receive my ID card, I have to fill out a visitors book and put in my phone number. This nigga Person, happened to be behind me on the queue, took the liberty of stealing- Yes it is stealing, my number from the damn book, and proceed to call me.

I told him NEVER to call this number again and went back to sleep.

When I gisted my mother, she found it so amusing- I was like, Mummy- staahp it- its not funny.

The rest of the week has been sent familiarizing myself with the 1000 and one new faces my firm decided to hire in the 1 year, I went away.

Today I also prepared my first IFRS AFS. and I was mighty pleased.

That as an aside, I trawling the interwebs today and I see that thing about Beyonce's daddy and his Baby mama and in as much as it is funny. and you don't want her to pay, I would like a huge number of you to spare some righteous indignation for all the Nigerian women currently living in the same situation.

I know waaaay to many women raising kids that do not belong to them and no one is making a big deal about it. They are feeding and clothing fruits of infidelity daily and no one is saying a damn word.

Digress- But I can not wait till Nigeria becomes progressive enough to actually not put women in these awkward situations because they want to a- get married and b- stay married.

That as an aside, I came across this blog today and the funniest thing about it, is that the writer said she was in ss2 in 1995.

In 1995, I was just about entering primary 1.

This might seem like BS- But the internet has made yall so damn disrespectful. MY GOD.


That being said, how do you leak someone's nude videos while twerking?

Nigerian men ( Yes I am generalizing because I know no other men) are full of shit.


chit chat over, I have never been happier and more thankful to say " THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY THAN TODAY".


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