Tuesday, April 15, 2014


As with everything inevitable- Rain, tax and broken hearts,

I am back in Abuja for work.

Its a job I hoped that I would not have to do because, I was not sure of the quality of work I would put out as a senior.

Simply because I had been out of town for a year and out of this audit work for that period, but its not too bad, I finally understand what people always say when they say it is like riding a bike.


Except I can not ride a bike.

Anyway- what has been going on?

I miss lagos, so badly.

It is horrible.
Like I hadn't even had any time to settle in and BOOM work in Abuja.

Anyway that is neither here nor there.

My waka has to be cautioned - orders from my most senior manager at work - AS my Abuja waka's are always so legendary- There was a bomb blast on monday.

It is so sad that they keep hitting the poor people. It is so unfair.

People that were going out to work and stuff.

Everytime shit like this happens- I suffer bouts of survivors guilt.

Meanwhile- Guess who has blossomed into a swan from an Ugly duckling.

LOL- I hung out with my friend last night - who asked me for the umpteenth time if I had work done on my body.

And I am like work ke????

You people underestimate my vanity. If I did get work done- best believe that kim kardashian would have serious competition by now.

Anyways- I did not get work done- although I have been looking up various procedures where a doctor- who obviously does not value his licence-   will take all the fat out of my arms, and belly and put them in my ass.

Stop judging me-all the brazilians do it dammit.


So asides my yearning for a bigger behind.

I have even bigger news to share- but I am so scared to share

Does that make any sense?

Like I do not want bad belle people to send me too much negative vibes??


I am equal parts nervous and equal parts excited.

I can not explain it sha.. God is on the Throne.

Looking down on his daughter.

I am in a fucking good place right now.

My life is coming together a bit too fast for my own good and obviously I do not have a hand in this greatness.

I need to go on a fruit diet abeg. only fruits for a week. I have  a pending holiday in the works.

This is my year of holiday-ing man.

Have I mentioned how useful google has been to me?

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