Thursday, November 1, 2012

Skyfall, Birthday and some Carrie fever!

First Skyfall tomorrow!

Yay! While I'm not really game on Daniel Craig being the new bond, I have to admit the 50 years of Bond drama on Mnet all month has whet my appetite for the new movie. It premiers tomorrow I think, which is purrfect because


Its My BIRTHDAYYYYYY! * Runs around in circles squealing*

I actually did not have Birthday fever until this morning when I got my 1st present.


I just threw in the Carrie fever, because you know- a Sex and the City Box set would be nice.

I am so excited about my present because it is not even my birthday yet!

I have some random runs to get up to tomorrow- and my client has been on his best behavior all day long including yesterday. While I don't really like ass kissing, I must commend my client, Negro has mastered the art so well, I almost forgave him, Then I remembered.

And gave him small ela this morning- you know, just to keep him in line.

I can not wait to close from work today, And take tomorrow off and just rest you know?

Anyways I was trawling the webs instead of working- which is totally irresponsible because I have sooo much work to do, and I saw this
Why Nigerian girls find it difficult to get married

So I thought I should read it, you know since I am not married and I am languishing in the 9th circle of hades that is singledom. * insert eye roll here*

I was so irritated.

I always get irritated when I see shit like that- Like men really still think like this?

You know while I was on holiday, my family friend has a really good job and said he can not wait to marry a woman who is totally as successful as him. Why? I asked- I mean his mother is Igbo so I wrongly assumed he would be one of those men who want to just spoil women.

He was like " Hell no, If she has such a good job, Double Income household baby, 2 holidays a year, where we don't plan, we would put up a map throw a dart, pack our bags and hit the road or private jet- I don't care"

Men like that who see the big picture are those that make me happy to be female.

While I am not saying that women don't have bad xters or that women aren't frivolous. What is wrong in a woman making some decent money for herself and spoiling herself?

So when she pretends to love the pauper lifestyle during the courtship and she gets married and reverts to her " money to blow" lifestyle what happens then??

To men like the writer- all I have to say to you is this

Go hard, or Go home***.
 You can not be crying about rich women and be a pauper- Nobody wants your dirty stinking broke ass.

There is nothing worse than dating a man who gives you undue drama and is now poor to add to the equation. ( FYI: All men come with a healthy drama dose, do not be deceived)  The least you can do for yourself as a woman is to have some common sense to get a man who can look after you some economic power, and have something going on for you.

Okay rant over.

But really tho, I do not see the big fuss in getting hitched- asides the wedding which is absolutely delish and I totally enjoy.

And why do people always assume you want to wash/mark/celebrate/do something for your birthday?

For some of us, its a day of unmerited gift collection hopefully in Cash.

or Bags, because you know the right bag makes the world go round and round and round.

***= I hope it is large enough to push your unambitious ass to make something out of your broke self

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