Monday, November 12, 2012

For coloured girls who have considered suicide when the heap of birthday gifts weren't enough

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life. Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?- (Luke 12:25&26 NIV)
So what have I been up to?

Nothing & everything.

It was my birthday two Friday's ago and I learnt a very valuable life lesson.

No everyone is meant to be a bigger person/ nicer person.

For my birthday, I told my self I would make the concious effort to be a nicer person, put people first, consider others, etc etc etc.

So I went to my University to get my certificate, and the lady there asked me to please wait to let her dispel the crowd in her office.

Because it was my birthday and I was trying to be the bigger person- I said yes, Mistake of life.

I spent three hours waiting there. finally left and spent another 3 in traffic back.

Pissed does not even describe me.

On my way home I was already late, my driver then said one of my aunt's wanted to courier something to Warri. I should have said no but in the spirit of being a bigger/better/ more patient person I erroneously said yes.
More time wasting.

Till today two weeks later, I regret those decisions, I know they say regret is futile, but I am so mad at myself for not being true to me. In essence those decisions made by birthday shit.

1. I didn't see the lover
2. I my small chops came cold because I was not there to pick it up.
3. My guests were kept waiting.

However, I fell sick the next day, so no I did not see skyfall, I did not pass GO and I did not collect $200.

Sunday was a little better, I went to church and yada yada yada.

The next week turned out better.

It was my Induction on Wednesday- and one of the few things I live for- Making my mother proud -was what that day was about.

I was in a skirt suit, I was in heeled shoes, I was on my best behaviour. It just felt surreal. My mother could not believe it.

She was cheesing so hard. I wish I even won a prize. lol jk.

Any way after the event, she had a mini come chop for me- which really consisted of her own friends and well wishers, and her church members, while my guests sat outside in the back.

we moved in after her own guests left, and it was just bants on bants on bants.

Friday was major for me because I finally got myself sorted out. * fingers crossed*

ALSO the lover gifted me vouchers for the nail saloon *qm lounge* while I am excited, I am also skeptical about a business that the only thing on the site is a flier.

Low key suspicious.

Anyway I will have to find some time to take myself there.

Saturday morning had me and the lover rush to silver bird to watch Skyfall.

Action sequence of life yo!

Very Un bond like. and I now find myself searching the web for Ian flemming books.

I remember not wanting anything for my birthday this year, and still getting many things.

Nothing makes one feel as loved as unwanted presents.

It makes me so super thankful for having all these people around me- and the knowledge that for the next 2 years I probably would not have to buy perfume again.


Not like I have ever bought myself perfume. - well maybe that one time when I was pining for the chanel perfume

but that asides.

I had a good week.

I have quit worrying. it makes life so much easier.

wayy easier.

I have also taken to spending money on myself anyhow.

I copped this blouse on spur of the moment last night when I went to see my friend Tinky.

Debo also was so kind to buy me two tubes of lipstick.

However I want more lipstick! LOL.

Also someone asked Debo over the weekend at my house" How does it feel to be Ore's Debo"

LOL, I was so shocked. what the hell is that?

People say the darnest things!

I am at a happy place- even though I still haven't had this cold stone ice-cream. will rectify that today!

Asides that- what has been going on?

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