Friday, August 25, 2017

What are you running from?

You are guarded

You keep running

What are these walls?

Why won't you open up to me?

Me: huh?

I swear I'm like a lover girl but everyone keeps saying things that prove that I am not.

2 weeks ago my friend said to me that she would never introduce me to any of her friends because

I am a cassanova.


I was hurt. and now I have to find someone else to introduce me to the boy.

So I ask my home girl M, who was in town from Miami and she is like yah, you have walls.

Me: Word?

Even in friendships and its obvious because you are so open so when you have a wall its glaring think national red line uncrossable.

ME: hayyy.

I also ask E, who is my baby girl and trusted adviser in matters of the heart because who better to show you the way?

Sha she said yes, why are you running so much?

what are you running from?

Me: Everything.

Her: It be's like that sometimes.

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