Monday, July 3, 2017

Banana fall on you

Last night something interesting happened.

A few things actually.

1- Someone stole our bottle of Hennessy at the club.

Lagos is too much for me.

2- I ran into someone who I hadn't seen in maybe 5 years and when he asked me if I was single, had a boyfriend seeing anyone, I casually said " Yeah I'm separated from my husband".

And he just said, lets have lunch some time, I let you get away before, I won't make that mistake again.


Ps: If you read this blog you know about the boy who wanted to take me to Paris for the weekend but I was in a "relationship". Yeah It's him, he moved back to Lagos last year.

3- I am actually really skinny now.  I saw a photo of myself on my friends snap chat and I'm like WHAT?

I'm so tiny. I need to eat like a goat abeg.

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