Sunday, February 26, 2017

List 8: Your favorite Quote

I have a few that may include bible passages but my current favorites now:

Because people think the world ends, but if you fall in, you sprout wings and fly- I swear

Self explanatory

New lesson. I'm taking down walls. 

This quote is very personal for me, and it really made me believe that God is constantly speaking to us, but we may not be listening.
A week into the new year, just after I came across the bible verse thread that is my pinned tweet
I saw this.
And somehow, it gave me peace.

This, I have always believed in. I know that when I start taking steps towards a goal, everything falls into place for me. 
I am highly favored by God and Man but the universe works overtime for me.
I hope I thank it sufficiently.

Obligatory SATC (Sex and the city) quote.
I remember in 2014, my friend T moved to London for 6 months and I went to help him settle into his apartment but turned out it was Feb 15 so I made dinner, bought a bottle of moscato
and I watched SATC while prancing around in his apartment breaking into shoes he brought me without the boxes from DSW.
This episode was on, and we were both so blown away when we heard the quote.
Ps: T I miss you. come home already. Ah!
I Love SATC. 
And I have also given up on having only 4 close friends that like each other enough to brunch often.

This is the bible passage I spoke about earlier.
As I said God is constantly speaking- we need to start listening.
Well I need to.
I do not think I need to go into how I stumbled upon this bible passage but I assure you all that 2017 is the year of new things.

Non Photo Quotes:

" And if she follow me go na enjoyment go kill am" - Runtown

If you call me, invite me anywhere, ask me to pop in to an event, I will ask you 
" is enjoyment sure to kill me?"

If you stammer, I'm not showing up. 
Life is too short for half assed waka that can not guarantee enjoyment killing me if I participate.

And in the usual manner of these things, the Universe is working over time to ensure that enjoyment is an advanced warfare weapon. Trying and somehow failing everytime.

One time I was having a conversation about how I could never get tired of being waited on, my friend D, said to me 
" Your case is special, you are like the last child from a long line of last children, patented pampering"

And that cracked me up because I really like to enjoy myself.

Keeping in theme of enjoyment, my uncle keeps telling us
 " E better make belle burst than for food to waste"

He says this a lot, and because of his background I can see why it makes so much sense for him.
Even though I do not really always agree with it, I have always liked it
It gives me an escape when I'm being greedy.

Another Quote I swear by, which I have been coming across more and more and is the  only way to get financially free quickly " Spend less than you earn, increase the gap and invest the gap"

Everything else is a spin off, the foundation remains the same.
And as an enjoyment ministress you know how hard I need to work. But I'm getting there,onward and upwards really!

And finally- Efe from BBN has put this in my mouth 


As you all know I love pidgin english and Efe and Ese gladdened my heart.

Anyway these are a few of my favorite quotes, for now

Not list related but real life update:

 I got the best deal on a kamokini swim suit.

I have wanted one for ages, so imagine my excitement when I scored the sweet deal.

Plus it flattered flatters my body so much.

So pleased.
And I swear I morphed into a Swan- based on logistics.

Friday, February 24, 2017

You Guysssss

So why was I minding my business with my fine self.

and I just realized the worst thing.

Youuuu guysssssss-

I have a crush on a yoruba boy.

I knowwwwww

I am just dying from the realization.

So off course I goggle him.


You already know I want to eat your Kpomo
and the flesh on your body is brokoto.

I know I am still ashamed.

Of my  fine self.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I miss  having a bath tub.

When I moved out of my mother's house, she somehow decided that a bath tub won't be relevant in the guest room and changed it to a standing shower.

I moved back home and I miss my bathtub so so so much.

Like urgh.

I miss just lying there and reading and drinking moscato.

Speaking of moscato- I have a bottle of my new favorite that I can no longer afford because the price has doubled and I could barely afford it before anyways.

If anyone feels like sending me a crate- Please click contact me and send me a message.

I'm looking for a way to remind myself consistently that God will go above and beyond and break protocol for me because it's something that ALWAYS. always always happens when I ask him for something.

He somehow finds a way to make sure I have what I need.

So why am I so worried this time?

Case in point: My Ticket for my next holiday- sorted at half the price; I can not actually believe it till now.

My  dupe fragrance I stumbled upon without stress.

I had an issue with remuneration at my new place, ANDDD it got sorted. a lot easier than I anticipated. and I say this as a lot easier because I had spoken to staff at they were like ah, management can take time for things like this ehn. Like 5 months.

LOL In 5 days It got sorted.

All of this in February so why am I stressed about this small issue?

Because I'm crazy obviously.

Going back to read my thread of good things on Twitter to remind myself. :)

Monday, February 20, 2017

7: List all the people who brighten your day

Considering the weekend I just had.

My family brightens my day
Sister & Brother ( drive me crazy but brighten it none theless)

My mum - She makes my nights so brights, she is practically my day!


 My new coworkers who sit opposite me

My new employer who pays me on time

My new printer who has not stressed me since we joined forces

My Nail guy ( but he has moved to a store in lekki now, I just tire)

Ese on Big Brother Naija

Tboss on Big Brother Naija

Aunty Joy and her babies- I love them so much.

-This is not a person but - Asos deliveries!!!!

My friends including but not limited to ... Actually not listing names, if you brighten my day you already know yourself.

I hosted my usual Valentines dinner thing and I am so filled with joy at how much excitement these things hold for me.

Even though I had little sleep- It was perfect still.

In the usual way of the Universe coming through for me- I got a bottle of my favorite moscato.

Color me pleased.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I'm envious of you

And I'm sure your friends are jealous of you.

Me: Huh?

There is nothing to envy here, I say and laugh and mean every single word of it.

You are always travelling and you seem to always have your life in order.

I would normally Bullshit and bloody fool everyone and say something like- Yeah some of us have it all ( and I'm sure to some extent we do, BUT)- My life is in order for the most part because I'm a self pronounced penny pincher.

My sister says I do not like spending money, I told her I like spending money as long as it is in my budget.

If you want to be a baller like the way people think I am- MAKE  A BUDGET AND STICK TO IT.

And I'm talking about the small things as well. if you withdraw N2k, you must be able to account for how your 2k was spent.

I know plenty work, BUT when you know how your money is going- you know how to manage it better.

Your nails are always done your hair is always looking put together- I want to become a babe.

Spend sunday nights picking out your outfits for the week. If you are not sure how it looks, do consultations via whatsapp/facetime with trusted girlfriends.

Pick out a day to sort out your nails or hair. wear hairnet to sleep. Do your nails using gel and go once in 4 weeks.

I need more clothes- No you need only staples, if anything you need less clothes.

well I know I do- so why am I still buying clothes? (buying is a weakness)- quick shout out to my Asos delivery that came on vals day!

Two new work dresses that make me look like I'm married to money.

I think there is a lot of work put it to get myself into a position that looks like life is dandy and flawless.

And I think the time has come to put aside- It is the grace of God, and start talking about the physical acts I take + the grace of God to get to the point where anyone in their right minds start to think that I have a life that is worthy of their envy.

side bar: My new employers are about to find out my spirit name is wahala and my confrontational skills are really really really magic.

I Lowkey love it.

Have I discussed travel plans on the blog this year?

Quick run down:

 March: Jos
April:  Calabar
May/June: Miami and *Guess what other two countries I'm going to?*

I'm let to conclude what my plans are for the later period of the year, but I know that Kajuru has to click this year and maybe Yankari and definately Zanzibar for my birthday this year.

My love for love waxes more and more each day and attempts to peak on valentines day, but keeps growing, I love it.

I have a thread of all the good things that have happened to me between yesterday & today. I won two give aways related to valentines day.

One for a friend and the other one for me and myself and my future dynasty.

After work today I popped into the Nike art gallery in Lagos.

I am in awe of how much work Mama Nike put into the place.

I would be going back to buy work of some artists from there. When I was done speaking to her and looking around we sat and had tea and I was like wow.

I can not wait till I find what I am so passionate about.

Also came home to a box of strawberries.

I KNOW. I'm thankful for people in my life who have these hands and show these workings.

Googling strawberry recipes non stop but for now a smoothie will do.

Also as a post script: I am delightfully happy.

Monday, February 13, 2017

List 6: List the ways you love to have fun.

LOL. This is so apt because with the way my life is right now.

I'm about to use enjoyment to kill myself ala Run town.

Oh how I love to have fun... Let me count the ways

- Reading a book
-Hanging out with friends
-Going out to eat
-Salsa Dancing
-Making Money
-Buying Gifts
-Buying Clothes
-Just generally buying things
-Sharing my music
-Having the people I share my music with like it
-Spa trips
- Beach days in the middle of the week
-Beach days on the weekend
-Writing about the things I like
-Writing about the things I do not like
-Shopping (not to be confused with buying things)
-Helping people provide solutions for their problems
-Lagos Weddings
-Destination Weddings
-All Weddings

I used to Love partying. and I used to have so much fun with it.

But now, hmnnn.

This year is really constantly my year of full time enjoyment.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Spenders anonymous

Please can someone smack my card out of my hand the next time I turn it around to get my CCV number?

Can I just stop buying please?

Because I do not have a clothing allowance for February today is 9/2/2017 and I have exceeded my monthly fuel budget shopping.

Between Asos *hangs head in shame* and my newest guilty pleasure Msbeefab I am going out of commission.

For real, plus she is uber affordable.

I am always crying because Alaroro BUT you guys- she is fair.

And you know how lagos designers walk around with Pistols like armed robbers.

Ps: I was not shopping like this o.

Next thing, something I was saving for fell thorough, and two other things came up.

So now I get to do a lot more Nigeria travel.

Am I pleased - Yes
Will I stop buying clothes?

A girl can only dream.

Ps: I think I am beginning to understand my body.

I had candy 3 days straight ( like 5 milkcose, 4 baba blue etc daily) like that for 3 days.- In my defence, I am in training.

And I'm finding that IT stuff is really just urgh.

Anyway I have 3 pimples now. I haven't had 3 pimples at the same time since maybe October last year.

Okay body none of that sugar.

I hear you.

Valentines day is comingggggg!

Slight trepidation along with minor excitement mixed with the certainty of being a roasto, defines exactly how I feel about valentines.

what I am undecided about if I should host a valentines day dinner / brunch/ hang out I always always  always host irrespective of where I am?

Meh- Time will tell.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Magnet Thatcher

While we drove back to the saloon- I really since he was in the passenger seat,
He offered commentary about Lagos driving,
It is like madness, he complained.
"Meh" I replied, while squeezing yet again into another impossible slot.
He shook his head
I shrugged " What? every driver is mad in Lagos during rush hour"

We eventually got back to the saloon, and the parking attendant indicated to an empty slot.

"You can not possibly fit in there" he said incredulously
I laughed. I live in Lagos, off course I could fit in.
Instead of arguing.
I parked seamlessly in the empty slot.

I put the gear on park and turned to look at him, gloating.

"I like you" he blurted out.

 "because I parked in the space?"

" I'm serious I like you."

" Okay, lets go and sort out our nails"

My friend said I am a damn magnet when it comes to men and christened me "Magnet Thatcher".

With the way 2017 is going, I hate that I might have to agree with him.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

list 5: list what you would like your life to look like 10 years from now

1- I will not work on Wednesdays. This  translates to a 4 day work week.
2- On Wednesday's I  wake up at 5 am and meditate for 30 minutes
3- And swim 10 laps in my pool.
4- I  continue to travel to 3 new countries every year.
5- I dance salsa twice a week
6- I will have reprinted my book twice and eventually do a special 10th year anniversary edition
7- I will put up an art exhibition of all the photos I took in the last 5 years of things I find fascinating.
8- I would have had two children, and my husband will always do school runs
9- Once a week will be date night with my husband and it would always be a laugh fest
10- Sex 4 times a week (because why not?)
11- My nail polish line would be doing amazing numbers.
12- The church I attend will let me teach Sunday school class.
13- Sunday afternoons will entail huge family brunches ( my friends and thier families) that last till 5pm and my cook will complain every week but secretly love it.
14- I will look back at being 28 and laugh at how all the problems I thought I had were real problems
15- I will emit happiness from every pore of my skin.

Ps: every week I'm putting up a list
I have no idea how long I will keep at it, but I plan to put up a list for the next 52 weeks.
You guys 2017 is truly my year.
I feel like God called me to the corner and gave me expo before I entered the year.
See blessings on every side.
I'm in awe and I'm equal parts just amazed at how much God loves me.
I promise I will go into details.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I cut my hair.
Then braided it.

I attempted a new bout of whole 30. But Drinking alcohol keeps hindering my glo up.

I think my other rapper (who also moonlights as my 1 am flex) has lines about me in his new song- It's cute.

I think I should be mellow and reflecting and generally chill, but some how you guys, the universe has presented me with so many opportunities that I'm just like WOW.

I like my new job. (I think- It is a shit load of learning but I love it.)

Plus I have finally got a place where people call me Didi without asking.

I have some news I am bursting from the seams to share- But I'm like too soon?

But I just want you all to know that God is not sleeping, He knows the end of the matter, and believe me when I say the end is so beautiful & glorious & a million times raised to infinity better than what your imagination could have even  attempted to dream off.

At the beginning of the year, I was so confused, so much noise in my ears, so much static in my silent days, and my lord, waaay tooo many tears.

BUT, I went to church and simply asked for clarity.

It was clear no one who I was listening to knew what the best thing for me was, and I was honestly tired of having one conversation 10 million times.

In the word of Drake- I don't want to hear about it ever again.- Truly

So I told God, that in 2017, I was not going it alone.

I would literally inquire from you before I make any step. The way David inquired...

And I needed silence to hear God. Because there was just so much uncertainty.

BUT January came with blessings, It came with clarity and even more than those- January came with a peace that has been eluding me for sometime now.

And the peace was perfect.

And then joy and happiness and everything started falling into place.

I know I'm rambling.

But I need you people to realize that God has the answers to our prayers before we even know that this may be a problem that we have and we need to pray for it.

at the end of every day I think about how lucky I am.

and how people do not have to look too far to see how God works.

God also built me my tribe in 2016. I'm not naming names *side eyes Uber CEO*, but you know yourselves.

But Quick tribe member and Yorubae.

Happy Birthday my darling Deji. I read the christmas message you send me occassionally and I remind myself how lucky I am to have you in my life. Truly.

I wish you so much love and happiness.

January was so full of joy and happiness and sauce.
February I plan to spend so steeped in gratitude for the little things. and the big things and the impossible things he plans to do for me

Can't wait.

I plan to do a weekly series I pulled the list from twitter.

I hope I stick through to the end sha.

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...