There is this thing I read somewhere about how people judge other people by a different standard from them selves.
Eg- One has a mutual friend who starts dating another friend's ex.; one is livid and judgemental and call said friend a whore and other unsavory names and cuts the friend off.
Two years later, one is in a similar situation but isn't a whore. One simply does not choose who one fall's in love with.
I have looked around its pretty much human nature.
For the most part I [ wonder how] have managed to skip this.
I do not know if I am a permanent pessimist or somehow managed to not end up like this but
BUT; somehow I think I might judge myself by harder standards than I do with other people.
Because I mean, other people are *rolls eyes* other people and I am me.
I might have a mini self elevation situation.
But that is neither here nor there.
Lately I have been getting compliments that throw me off.
Not the usual compliments that I already know about but the weird ones.
Like how I have beautiful skin.
- side bar; I honestly do not even think in any world my skin is close to beautiful. best case scenario; my skin is passable under the dim club light as one shade.
First time was when I got a hammam scrub - [ which i do not recommend as the girl scrubbed me so hard; I bruised and I still have scars to show] , the lady asked that I do not lighten my skin as it is so beautiful and etc etc , I figured she is supposed to tell that to everyone who she works on and stuff.
Anyways second time I got this compliment was in greece; But I just said, probably oyibo that hasnt seen black skin before and doesn't know anything.
Fast forward to going to the dermatologist for my spotty condition[ which was diagnosed as Pityriasis Rosea- I do not think I ever mentioned it]; and begged him to give me a "depigmentation cream" for my heavy spots [ Leopard status and shit], and he said your skin is so beautiful give it a year the spots will fade.
And in my mind, I'm like Uncle Doctor- I do not own long sleeved clothes- how am I gonna roll about town like this?
Anyways most recent and notable I went to a mutal friend's bach eve[ do not even ask] over the weekend and I met someone who sat next to me and said - Your skin is so beautiful.
I looked at him like - huh?
And he said, I am sure you get that a lot.
I was so flustered, I just said thank you.
I honestly refused to believe this last compliment because a Yoruba boy said it and all.
But he really went on and on.
So dear skin, did you just wake up after years of stressing me out [ acne, easy to scar and hard to fade] and decide to become glow-ly?
Do you not need to send me a memo so I can respond appropriately to my compliments in Ore- Like fashion?
Instead of mumbling thanks and getting flustered?
Anyways that is that- Work is long and stress but Value adding and bill paying
My nails are performing at maximum capacity and my yansh length braids grossed me 99 likes on instagram..
I say this- at the risk of daring the universe to screw me over -but right now Life is GOOD.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend.
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