Friday, May 9, 2014

Yemi my loverrrrrr.

I am obsessed with Olamide.

And this song.

I think I have lost my Ipod.

This breaks my heart to tiny little pieces.

I am losing weight.

I have figured out my new holiday destination.

All I need to do is actually round up my friends to get settled into the plans.

BUT let it be known that it would be lots of instagram pictures with PLENTY hot boys.

I am back in Abuja and so I would be missing Ogo's bday.

Quick synopsis on Ogo, One of my oldest friends, who we have somehow settled into a  friendship routine that baffles everyone but us.

She loves and voltron's for me fiercely and since I do not get that alot I am truly thankful for it and her presence in my life.

So Ogo thank you- and I am saying it now because I know I do not thank you enough.

Love you lots.

ALSOOOOOO....I hate packing under duress worst thing ever.

However I installed a red weave in, and I look, feel, smell and probably taste like the best thing since sliced bread- But please do not take my word for it. I am biased towards me.

I am a little homesick. As always and I think I am getting tired of hotel living.

Side bar- New hotel is cute as fuck. Color scheme pink and all that good stuff.

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