Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Favorite Quote

One of my Favorite Quotes- used to be the worst quote to my ears because- It implied that Family is everything. Turns out it has been incomplete and touted that way forever.

Blood is thicker than water- I hated this quote because it meant I had to be kind to  wretched Yoruba wicked family members to endure thier BS because they were blood.

Fast forward to 2013, I stumble across the real quote on Wendy's blog and I research further-

Apparentlyyyyyy  the whole Quote is this " Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb"

Which means- Family relations carried in the same womb dont have as strong a claim as those whom you have made blood covenants with.


Another versions speaks about " Blood shed on the battle field with comrades, is thicker than water of the womb".

So when you go to battle and you and your fellow soldiers bath in the blood of your enemies- There is a stronger bond with them, than with those of your family whom you really do not give a shit about.

Another Reason I like this Quote is that You can change your friends, but can not change your family.

And God knows I have been doing a lot of that lately.

I do not know the origin/ whom to credit with this quote but various articles refer to Arabic history as the source.

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