Monday, June 17, 2013

Christ Like

Everytime I want to be Christ like. really I do. I try to be a better person.

I constantly struggle to not habitually fall into sin and so on and so forth.

Basically I try to love my neigbours and enemies and pray for them.

So please can someone tell me why other human beings somehow go out of their way to thwart my efforts?

Like I'm just here trying to be a better person and you are just there trying to make me remain the same person I used to be.

So annoying.

And I was going to do a name and shame and a rant on twitter then I saw this bible verse.

1st peter 5:8. Be careful! be alert! be on the watch. Your enemy the devil roams around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. be firm in your faith and resist him because you know that your fellow believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings.

Calmed me down.

I need to create a list of bible verses to recite out loud for when I am angry.

I have one for when I am down and it works wonders for me.

I really was just going to cry and rant and rave but abeg. I'll just try to keep calm.

Although I am reallllllyyyy upset.

I'll not let my anger get the better of me.

A man in control of his anger and all that...

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