Monday, December 17, 2012


Its amusing how woma was talking about prostitution today.

Every one has that one friend that does "runs". Or if they aren't your friend, you know someone that sleeps with a married man for money. Or whatever it is that they do.

I have never really judged until recently.

Recently I lost all forms of respect for someone who I used to rate very highly.

I am totally disgusted and appalled by this person's behavior.

And I judge this person with every fibre of my being.

Strange thing is I haven't said a word to this someone.

We are all diffferent and I guess I was never really the persons friend, because if I was, I doubt they would gladly get into that.

People seek validation in all the wrong places.

And I think the people who seek it in random sex are at the bottom of the food chain of respect for me.

Because let's face it. No matter how much you want to pretend.

Random sex burns you out. So save your self the stress.

That being said- Mr Lover is the best boy in the world. :)

Or he is coming very very close to the mark.

We are able to spend weekends without arguing/ fighting these days. And I find it easier to make sacrifices for his happiness.

My uncle keeps saying he worries I am not head over heels in love with my lover.

I tell him I would be doing myself a dis-service by being head over heels in love with anyone asides myself really.

Why am I so upset at this someone anyway? It isn't my concern. But somehow it has offended me.

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