Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today I admit what I have been fighting to admit for a long time.

I realised this when I signed my lease agreement for 26 weeks and held off popping it into the mail at Nipost today to my landlord ( to be) in Scotland.

Yes, I eventually got around meeting one of my new year resolutions to sort out my further education plans AND I did.

I am going away for a year to do a masters degree program!


Until this morning, I didn't really understand the implication of this. I would be leaving home for a whole year.

Needless to say, I am not so pleased with this arrangement. In fact- Be careful what you wish for.

So being the proactive soul that I am, I have decided to mitigate this feeling of fish out of water, I decided to create links with the Nigerian online community. AKA facebook and Twitter.

So I got back on twitter. and realised not much had changed. Actually I take that back- NOTHING has changed.

Same madness and randomness.

So my migration plan to the Iphone makes little or no sense as I need my BBM to keep in touch with my loved ones here.

If there is anything like homesickness in advance- It is what I am feeling.

I am Lowkey excited though. but at the same time- the fear of the unknown is killing me.

Anyway I now have to find time to see all my friends and tell them but only after I have found a suitable answer to the only question they all ask " What will happen to your lover"

I am wondering about this myself.

Anyways now that is done. Let me see IF I still know how to work this twitter thing.

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