Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New year

and all that jazz.

since i already spoke about resolutions im just going to not bother stating them again.

partly because its just one thing i think.

anyways to wrap up my 2011 and 2012 im going to copy and paste a conversation i had with my uncle, concerning me.

so basically he sent me this:

Compliments of the season to you. what is happening nowadays? not heard any news about you. Hope work, relationship and the rest of life is fine. Please reply with your plans for the new year. All the very best and Godbless.

and i replied this:

Same to you uncle!
Compliments as well.
Oh I've been just here and there.
I got promoted in september abi october.
So more responsibilities.

I also volunteered to teach accounting at a school near the house to their accounting students preping for WAEC. Although I suspect I have bitten off more than I can chew.

And I am grossly impatient.

But its a way to give back to the community and I have a sense of fufilment after every claSs.

And a sense of failure and frustration when my students don't understand. But they are moving slowly.

So that is progress.

Next year I have only major plan.

To finally apply for an MBA. Which entails taking the GMAT. :(
And work won't allow me have time to do it, but I have to go next year. I've settled on Warwick. And the town seems like its dry so there aren't any distractions.

I also want to learn how to play the piano. Hopefully once I come to england for the MBA I would be able to squeeze it in.

Did you discover why you didn't miss your patients as much when you were holiday eventually?

Or you think the time has come to hang your scalpel.( That is what you use to cut women open Yes?)

My warmest regard to everyone.

And sorry for the disjointed-ness of the email.

Oh I also write a column for a new magazine. ^_^ ( that is a chuckle)

I act like I have more than 24 hours in a day. But then again I must enjoy my youth.

My boyfriend is finem we are still going on, although the longer I stay with him, I discover how innately selfish he is. I just ignore him now and do my own thing. This system seems to work. I've also learned no two relationships are the same so I just tend to do what works for uss. Which seems to be abnormal. But I really can't be bothered about normal especially when its defined by rules that no one seems to know where they came from. LOL ( that's laughing out loud)

Oh and I have become somewhat closer to his mum this year. I gather that may be a good thing.

Although for some reason in the last quarter the male attention I've been getting has been overwhelming. I wish I could bottle up whatever it is that keeps attracting the men and sell it to women who need the help in that department.

But then again, I have the Xfactor so that's that.

Although a mini part of my mind wants to model. Professionally. But this means I would have to lose at least 10kg. :(

But that would be after my MBA sha.

I keep toying with the idea, behind my mothers back sha. Maybe enter into one of those pagents. Oh wow.

See how I've been rambling.

But that's pretty much what I've been up too.

Would call you tomorrow.

For some reason I'm super excited about 2012. What about you?

Have u spoken to Maro, tomorrow is his birthday!

and he replied this:
Dear Ore,

Its been a real pleasure reading a summary of your (exciting) life since July 2011. I must say its a full and exciting life. Has all the essential twists and thrills a young woman is entitled to. With a fulfilling career, a satisfactory (realistic) relationship, a sense of achievement, a plan for the future, an understanding of the past and a determination to enjoy the present. With a tinge of confidence in your abilities/ characteristics and some measure of compassion for your womenfolk who are 'inadequately' endowed.

Warwick is an excellent choice for what you want and its in middle England so you can get around quite easily.

I am still restless/ distracted from work! I will certainly need to do something else in addition to, or instead of surgery. Things have become stale and plateaued over the last 18 months and i need a new thrill/ drive. I am considering either coming to naija or studying something else at university to keep me occupied. I am praying about it and believing God for an answer early in the new year.

Maro's birthday is today and I shall give him a ring.

Amongst all you wrote there was nothing about your faith or spiritual health, was it an oversight?

God bless.

and that pretty sums it up!

So on the 1st, The Lover dragged me out with him to this party, which for some reason we attend every year, and is grossly over packed and everyone is always there and its a lot of hugging and airkissing and basically Lagos party typical posing. That ive come to accept about Lagos.- it cant always be good abi?

anyhoos since I couldn't find fuel to buy i had to ask my family friend to drop me off at the Lovers after which we then rolled out together- This is probably the only party( asides weddings) that we attend together. for some reason we roll up seprately all the time.

all my friends think im mad.

I think it works for us, so fuck that.

and we leave together most times so that kind of works.

I also ran into Koye. ^_^! he is delicious in real life. Mr Fondler of words im watching you.

It was a good night, lots of alcohol and i ended up leaving to go watch " the help" with the lover at 2am at his place.

Good times!

My sister came as well, and all his friends kept saying how yellow and how hot she is- *side eye*

i swear She went to bleach in Italy.

im kinda glad she's back.

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