Sunday, January 29, 2012

Teaching and Nigeria

Sometime last week, my friend El, who reads my blog and is basically my personal person, told me her sister Mimi might have someone who is interested in teaching.

So I called Mimi, because of my ridiculous work schedule, I was praying the person would have an accounting background and a flexible job.

So we spoke and she set up a Sunday evening meeting with said volunteer. His name is Daniel. Daniel called me and it so happens that he lives in my estate so I agreed to walk to meet up at his place and have a little meeting.

20 mins later, and realizing how stressful walking is, I arrive at his place.

Turns out Daniel is Oyibo. I'm like - does this one know I teach in a public school ni?

Apparently he had been there to volunteer before- that particular school I teach at, AND he was turned down.

It also turns out he has done this before, in NY, and Togo- where he had to learn French to teach the village children English.

But he needed to be sure he wouldn't be turned away this time. So I told him what we did, that a friend of mine asked me to and I volunteered, and its rewarding but a lot of hard work.

He also seemed quite knowledgeable.

So I invited him to my next saturday class, which I intend to be having since work wants to take on characteristics of a female dog. And I sincerely feel bad having to ask my students to come in on Saturdays, more for all the small chops I will forego. :(

moral of the story.

 Dont Judge a book by the cover.

If you do better have a poker face when you meet said book in person.

and today was a good day all my favourite people came around, The Lover, Aunty Joy and Ayomide- we went shopping , urgh Lagos sun is not for "childrens", Womilee.
Today was a good day.

and I thankful.

My co-worker NOC just volunteered to teach as well.

Told yall it is a good day. :)

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