Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Applications and shi

I am excited to announce that i have started applying for my schools!

yay me. by February i intend to start taking the very expensive GMat classes.

im stoked about the whole thing.

Only downside- i have problems making friends AND i will miss my loved ones terribly.

and obviously this is the ideal time to swallow all my " i cant do LDR words back"

off kess this would be a test and strain on what i have going on with the lover. but since no one sees the future i dont know.

as usual with new experiences, i will keep a hand written journal.

hopefully it would make my writing better.

- i siwear God intended for me to be a doctor, my writing is nothing like a stingy accountants own.

i find myself giving my sister more room since she returned. having to go to work all day must be
the reason, or maybe ive grown.

offcourse i have to establish boundaries but yes our relationship works fine.

something my subconcious needs to do is to stop catering for people.

its how i was rasied, and probably because of the nature of the family i come from( people dropping in unannounced and shit all the time) I am able to whip up meals on the spot.

say 15 mins typa whip up. obviously not chef fregz style, but enough to sate appetites of growling stomachs.

this is my gift and curse.

at least from what i gather on twitter anyways. LOL

I still have nothing to wear.

and i somewhat still worry that not having a particular set of friends will make me end up like those people who have no one to holiday with them. blame sex and the city and shit. for giving me the impression that all women have a group of friends that have coffee during lunch breaks on the side walk smoking cigars and discussing sex.

i am obviously the exception.

and talk less of a year with People i do not know and have no fucking idea about- urgh this gives me shivers. who will i cry too, and force over to help me clean up my closet or even dash out my clothes that only God knows why i buy them when i have no intention of ever wearing them.

whoooo? * bursts into tears*

but this doesnt make me any less excited about school sha!

i guess what sprang this whole friendship rethink was on new years i ran into my friend from High school.

i mean i stay steady meeting people i went to Qc with and we can have conversations.

and we laugh and its like nothing changed- except i have less pimples now.

So you can imagine my shock when i ran into my "friend" and she was cold.

i mean she hugged me, but acted like- she couldnt be bothered to relate with me.

Then i was too excited to even realise until later when i contemplated trying to invite her for lunch with the rest of my friends from QC and decided against it.

Do people change? Because she had an accent. and lots of powder,amd 26 inch "cambodian" hair.

But does all that really change who you are? or was she never even friends with me from QC.

although these questions arent important to keep me up at night, they are important so i know how to tread when adressing/ relating to my other "just got back-ers"

although to be fair- none of the other ones have been that way.

I guess its weird having to accept someone not wanting to revel in my greatness.

i resume Gym runs tomorrow- Can i get an AMEN.

shamlessly in a bid to get into decent shape for the wedding with the lover on saturday.

STILL, no dress and No nails and no idea on what to do to my hair. :(

ps what color can one wear lilac with? i'd hate to end up looking like the color wheel, all in the name of fashion.

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