Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Power of Music

 I love music.

All my tiny letters save for a few that I close off with a bible verse are signed off with lyrics from songs I thoroughly enjoy and I have come to associate with periods in my life.

Music, just like scent, triggers memories, It is why everytime Tuface's Ole comes up I am transported to my first kiss in my friends car as he tried to convince me that he was in love with me - even though he had a girl friend.

Or when You know what by avant comes on, and I am reminded of the now useless but then whirlwind romance that I had with the boy who took my virginity. It was such terrible sex that I lied to someone else and had him retake it ( with much better sex).

Or when I hear Psquare's chop my money, I am reminded that it was the song I had planned to dance in to at my wedding to Eros while he sprayed me $$. asides the fact that we are now divorced, $ to NGN is no longer 150, so as you can see- many things have killed those plans.

Or when I hear George Micheal's As, I am taken back to the church scene in the Best Man Holiday when Mia is being buried & Anthony Hamilton sings the song. ( this is also a very very very good wedding song)

Or when I hear sweet mother by Prince Nico, I am reminded of my own sweet mother and how long it took me to set that track up as her ringtone even though I had never used a samsung. My mother believes I can do ANYTHING. And everytime I hear that song, I am reminded of that.

Songs are powerful, in as much as they hold memories, they are words that seep into our subconscious and give us either a boost or a drain whatever energy is left in us. 

Personally they are a delightful pick me up. Many of my evenings have been spent in the dark, room illumnated by either only a candle or my lava lamp and I listened to songs whose lyrics absolutely described how I felt. and in those moments I felt so legion-like, because if someone had felt so strongly about this and then entered studio to sing this song- surely this must not be the end of the world.

In addition to the legion-like feeling, music makes me feel gratitude for the emotions the songs evoke to the high notes to the shower sessions.

Now I wonder what my life would look like sans music?

Probably very bland.

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