Wednesday, May 3, 2017

I am currently


Non stop to "My love"- Wale, Major Lazer, Wizkid & Dua Lipa.

And I can be your last,
leave your past with your first.
As I said NON STOP.

As a self proclaimed Diplo fan girl, once I saw that there was a major lazer track on the album I knew I had to get on it. I love the album (It's called Shine, if you are living under a rock) and my favorites include: My love. Running back. Columbia Heights. Fine girl  and MY PYT. 


The mothers.

Best book really, I actually did 45 minutes on the treadmill and didn't die because I was reading this book. It's such a good book. It's about a girl who the pastor's son get's pregnant and then she has an abortion and leaves the city in the usual manner of life, the boy marries her best friend and that one has issues getting pregnant and finds out her two fave people are having an affair and wahala.

It's a well written book and shows how gossip erodes life.


No alcohol as I am currently on an intense air & water diet in a bid to get my body right for my vacation. Along with the alcohol ban :

Here for that photoshop looking skin ; getting my tummy on flat flat and pussy on agua.
Other non scale victories and health benefits are welcome.
I'm just doing this to look absolutely stunning naked and to slay my vacation photos.


-For my pandora bracelet.
Eros gave me. and every time I went on vacation after that I bought a charm for it at the airport, so saying its sentimental is not even scratching the surface.
Last time I saw it was 2 weeks ago so early days yet but slightly panicking because I swear I left it on a bed stand in someone's house and when I asked the person turns out he does not have a bed stand.

When I told my friend this story, she said and I quote " Maybe it is time to return santa's  hoe' HO'S.

- Forward to my vacation in a few days. ( dying of excitement but can not tell you guys the exact date because awon aiye).

-Back at the delicious weekend I had, I had a huge adulting moment where I couldn't afford to go see ASA, because I had so many other things to do with money coupled with the fact that I had just returned from my weekend of debauchery in Calabar and that cost a pretty penny as well as some other obligations that did not crystalize on time and a spontaneous purchase of a John Madu piece.

The piece sparked a lot of joy in my heart and calabar was so so beautiful (although I would not be doing anything wedding related asides attending as I do not have the emotional range for weddings).


Why the hell my nails are breaking so badly?
If I am actually as flirtatious as people say I am?
Why my data keeps finishing so quickly?
Whether I should port to Globacom?
If Goddess locs would suit me?
Where I can find a bottle of Gallo's White Grenache before friday?
If this white meat diet I'm about to proceed one is going to piss everyone off as much as I think it will?
Why awon aiye followed me from Snapchat to insta stories?
If I going to be stupid proud when my body morphs into it's final form? ( not really Probably yes)
Why no one understands when I say "I do not have the range"?
How long till T cracks.

Speaking of T. He actually moved back home. equal parts proud and nervous for him.
We had dinner on sunday and it was an actual vibe. 
I am thankful for the men in my life who always always always go out of their way to make sure I'm happy comfortable and give me all the most delicious compliments.

Wishing all of us a delicious weekend.
Yes I know it's Wednesday but yasss. to the weekend anyway.

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