Thursday, November 3, 2016


How old are you turning?

Twenty Fine.


Did I stutter?

I have been unhappy for a while, but I think I am happier now.

I laughing. from my belly.

I did not realize it till my friend C from a previous post pointed it out to me.

(I was really cackling).

yes I cackle.

Anyway so yesterday I decided to put on my big girl pants and sort most of my life out.

I interviewed a driver. *Fingers crossed he starts on monday*

Two- I went to theEtag Office. You need to know that Yoruba demons are still alive and roaming the streets in their freshly starched native looking for unsuspecting women to devour.

To the really nice man at the LCC office yesterday. You could have apologised without caressing my arms so lovingly.

Three: I went to Ikoyi club to TRY to start my membership process because I AM so ready to face Ikoyi club chilling as an adult member.

Beloved, When I saw the bill and requirements.
They want your CV.
A letter of Introduction from your place of work
A fully Fledged member to sign for you.
Two pints of your grand mothers blood
a bucket of Unicorn Piss

Along with maybe 1.5 million Nigerian Nairas.

Beloved, perhaps this adulting thing we can get a subsidy for it?

I went to the saloon and cut of my bra length hair.
Now this hair cut I have.
Is not just a problem.
It is THE problem.

For real.

None the less.


If compliments could kill you I would be dead by now.

It's my girl Ori's birthday so I'm taking my Twenty Fine year old self to support her at bogobiri.

Along with one of my male friends that I've invited for her birthday present (because I am generous)

And T, Because come on its T, he drove my siblings &I to Vegas from LA and back and didn't collect fuel money.

I also just had such a stressful but neccesary conversation with a co-worker of mine who said he had to work so hard for us to become friends.

Me in my mind : We are not even friends.

I'm serious.

But because I'm obviously well behaved, I was like I can see why you would have felt that way, I am a little guarded.

He said yes, even your instagram account is protected.

Children of the most high- Do you see a correlation?

Anyway that ended and I am so ready to face this week and this year heads on.

I am truly happy and I am at peace with my cackling self.

Pss; I swear I'm not as fancy as people say I am.

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