Monday, November 7, 2016

Moving, Leaving, Progression

In the last few weeks I might have dipped one foot into the baby girl lifestyle and let me tell you.

Life is Good.

I do not know if I mentioned this earlier AND truly I should have,


And my last day here is Dec 31st.


Obviously since I have put in notice I have become even more tardy, coming in at 9:45am, and what not.

But I just realised I would REALLY really really miss this place.

Truly my partner who is my office sugar daddy, all my clients who repeatedly tell me I'm too goodlooking for the job and I should be resting in my husbands house (This is silly, but I get that it is from a place of love), to my whining about traffic to just walking into balogun to buy what I like, to my free parking space at the car park.

Like and these are just the perks. The deadline pressures, the excitement over a wedding, the small chops they share during birthdays. You guys are very close for an Audit firm- my mum said this morning when one of my Senior managers called me because I hadn't bought small chops for my birthday.

And I said yes, we are quite close, I will miss them.

And I would actually miss them, there was a time I wanted to make partner here but then I wanted to leave so much and now I'm leaving I'm not having any buyers remorse.

Like I can not wait

I mean I am truly nervous but for the most part I am excited.

I had lunch with my friend Debo yesterday.

Inamorato, (Because I hope all of you are men reading this)

I have no idea how I got sooo lucky.

None at all.

I overate over the weekend and my skin is splotchy AF,

I know my diet does not agree with my skin and really should leave this alcohol in the morning life alone but SOMETHING MUST KILL A WOMAN.

I miss hosting.

When I lived in Ikoyi, all I did was have parties, games nights, random come chops, friday night wait out traffic meetings. Dinners

But now: :(

Ah well.

I need to rememdy this because both Aldmoni  & Debo pointed out that they have missed my parties at home.

Oh wellllllllllll.

I saw the Accountant.

I couldn't be prouder to be an accountant during the movie.

I mean minus the killing.

But it is such a good movie- I am slowly falling in love with Ben affleck again. Plus shey they said he is single now?

I hated him so much after he was rubbing J-lo's bum bum in that video on the yacht and they were #Bennifer and then they broke up.

Off course all of this anger vanished after I saw him in Gone Girl.

But now- Truly I am like *insert Love struck Emoji here*

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