Monday, November 3, 2014

Post Birthday euphoria

I actually understand when Good luck and David Mark and everyone else in politics comes out to say people are begging them to run for office.

That is the exact way I felt about my make shift birthday party.

I say make shift because I moved houses from Ikoyi to Lekki over the weekend ( sad face)

And I thought I was going back to Abuja for work on sunday.

So having a party would have been grossly irresponsible seeing as I hadn't done my laundry ( as I blog this; said laundry is still at the laundromart in lekki)

Anyways last minute; my mother insisted I have a party since its what I have always done in Ikoyi.

I have a small gathering of friends; jollof rice, small chops, music and alcohol.
This year was pretty much the same minus the jollof rice. But it was good and I am so so so thankful for the people in my life AND the presents they brought me.

I have written for the last week a three paged word document regarding all the introspection leading up to setting foot into my late twenties ( ah shivers)

I am probably the only person excited to be turning older  according to everybody.

Which I would be putting up on so you guys should go and read it there.

This year, I want to be honest and kind and thoughtful.

And I realize how impossible it might be to the those three things concurrently but there is no harm in trying.

Finally _ of all the items on my list; It seems that no one wants to give me money for my holiday.

And I understand this. I mean I am trying to understand this; but I am struggling to understand it.

Do you people not want me to be happy?


In all this; this was my year of horrible indulgence.

I was truly a baby girl and I loved every minute of it.

The only thing I hated about being 25; was how unstable I was with working out.

I honestly need to fix up regarding my weight loss; develop a routine and sculpt my dream body.

Another disgusting habit I need to drop is giving out my number and never picking up when people call me.

I find that it is easier to give you my number, then never call you, than to tell you I have no intrest in you calling me.

see the struggle- Honest; kind and thoughtful? Damn Catch 22.

Anyway here is to a really chilled week so I can slowly wind down from all the celebration this weekend.

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