Thursday, July 25, 2013


I was chosen to be an usher for my office's AGM which took place today.

And let me just say experience OF LAIVEEE. Yes I spelt Life as LAIVEE.

Oh gosh. So many things happened.

From the men who wanted to take me home. To the one who wanted to be my friend. To the man who was getting mad because there were no more seats to this good looking Nigga who kept checking for me. ( AND I will talk about later)

It was sha an experience.

LOL turns out  my radar is NOT off and that good looking Negro ran into me when I got back to the office AND asked me to stop by his office before I leave- Not happening abeg.

Aint nobody got time for office romance.

In more interesting news- Its Eneni's Birthday. Eneni is my friend who has become my sister and has managed to make her family my family and vice versa. And I love her oh so dearly. So please help me send out good wishes to her today and always!

Plus she is having a party today. Parties are my forte! I am so tired and I am yet to start writing my papersssss! Oh Gosh.

Did I tell you guys Lekan's birthday was this week and he did not tell me.

Also did I telll you guys that Lekan helped me to interpret my regression for the paper in which I got an A and the course work was 70%.

Did I tell you people how upset I was?

Lekan. KO DA!!! it is not good.

that aside please send him good wishes.

Ps: Everyday in my office it is someone's birthday- Hence SMALL CHOPS!
So I say this with authority that Laredo's small chops did not TRY AT ALL,

Okay guys. Bye.

1 comment:

Lekan said...

HAHAHA, I'm sorry, will fix up next time. X_X

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