Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Self development

I know how I always feel like women have been inherntly taught that there is always something they can do to make them be better- lose weight, fix nails, bleach skin, sorry even out skin stone or whatever.

But trust me when I say despite my constant cries of weight loss I have had no need to attempt to do any major self development.

Me 1.0 was working fine. Anyway I moved here and decided to do something.

You know the thing I have been so excited about and I keep talking about but would not mention?

Yes- *drum roll*

I am learning to play the piano! LOL and taking pole dancing classes.

Now that its out there. Wheeeeeee! I have ALWAYS wanted to do both BUT growing up I did not have time and when I eventually had the time- ICAN came along. Anyway all things work together for your good because I moved here- found time, found a cheap ass tutor and started the classes.

As for pole dancing- It is what I was created for. I mean my knees and my wrists and MY THIGHS!!! are on fire- But it is such an amazing experience that I need to increase my core strength so I can hoist my self up the pole with ease.

Anyways that is pretty much the self development I have been doing- I was also training to run a marathon but since my knee went bust. Yah. Hopefully the 250 rope jumps I did today do not agitate it.

Classes are fine. My braids are fine( although I have been wondering how to wash them? Next weekend maybe? I should youtube how to wash braids without loosing some.

I hope you all have an amazing week! NEXT TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!

1 comment:

Miss Enigma said...

I washed my braids myself about 3weeks ago...I looked some YouTube videos but I didn't really learn much so I was like in the shower put shampoo in my hand and applied it to the scalp, and gently massaged it through.

Paid attention to the scrub the edges thoroughly where makeup meets hairline and the back, and then I rinsed it. didn't apply shampoo to the braids itself, but obviously it got wet so I rinsed out.

Towel dried, blow dried for about 20- 30mins to reduce water dripping everywhere then went for a walk to air dry.

Do it early in the day so u have all day to dry it so it doesn't smell. Goodluck!

I'm going to sign up for swimming classes as my self development thing...don't know what to do to my hair though lol

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