Sunday, May 12, 2013

For the Love of Breasts

Back drop

When I was 16, I discovered a lump in my breast. ( No I wont mention which). I would love to lie and saw I was not afraid and I was calm even though the doctor's had made me take numerous tests and said I was too young to have lumps. Even more importantly, he had scheduled my surgery two days before prom.
I was terrified. My mother could not be at the hospital with me because she had to go to work ( Bless her soul) so my aunt came along and waited the whole day with me... It was not cancerous BUT it was an experience that I would never ever want anyone to experience ever again.

Which is why when my friend Lima  MUA extraordinare told me she was supporting cancer research. I was interested. She is running the 5k on the 6th of July. This means a lot to her as her mum is actually a cancer survivor.

She is also trying to raise 1k GBP for cancer research.

This is the link

And if you are like me- and you are uncomfortable with your widows mite- She has assured me that no amount is actually too small.

So please get donating! :)

ANDDDDD if you were wondering how I managed to wear my strapless prom dress with all the plasters and stuff from my surgery? I BEGGED one of the student/ training doctors to push it a week forward. And if you have ever had to do business with LUTH ever you will know it was nothing short of a miracle that I was able to reschedule.

So please- Support Halima ( check out all her awesome work on her blog as well) BUT please remember No amount is too small and God loves a cheerful giver!

Thank you! and have an amazinggggggg week,
Remember be positive/ think happy thoughts.

1 comment:

Halima Bepo said...

Thank you Ore for supporting me xxx

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