Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sisi Nene

This name Nene means a lot of things to me.

Its the name to the person who is the closest thing I have to a school daughter. Which is strange because I didn't really like people much- especially the junior people.

( Not like I like them any more now, I am just getting better at dealing with them)

But now.

Sisi Nene is the name of the song that has allowed me in my subconscious to accept wiz kid as songster

( I cant quite bring myself to call him a singer/ artiste)

Asides all these my disclaimers- I have listened to Sisi Nene at least 20 times between yesterday and today.

This song is catching the attention of my "Pepe Nene" ( To borrow the words of wizkid)

My friend is starting out a business venture!!!!!

I'm so immensely proud of her- While I'm reluctant to support Nigerian Dressmakers due to their exorbitant prices, she is one person who I would not hesitate to whip out the lover's card to buy ( even though I haven't seen one item of clothing from her line I love it already)

Work is panning out to be a breeze- I quite like it.

I'm making some personal progress- and I'm quite happy about it.

I find my love for ankara coming back and back and back- even though I try to stop sewing since I really do not need any.

wheeeee Nengi's wedding is coming up soon!

I'm so excited, she is literally my sister.
I am contemplating getting shellac manicure- between taking showers, washing my underwear and plates the nail polish doesn't stand a chance. But I worry that the UV lamp will give me cancer.

For some reason, I have been experiencing unusually high levels of fear.

This irritates me to no end and it always happens after a close shave with God.

It is so annoying- What am I so scared off?

I keep telling myself I do not have the spirit of fear- But still I fear.

Strong holds are mind sets- going forward I will attempt to do something I fear everyday- To dispel this growing  feeling.

Church was amazing on sunday.

Two things I learnt

1- The fake is really good until the original comes along

Christians are not afraid to wait.

RE: Abraham, Sarah, haggai, Ishmael, Isaac.

Ishmael was a good child until Isaac came along.

2- Being confident in the word of God has it advantages and rewards.

This message spoke to me so strongly that I knew the message was for me.

fast forward to the night, I saw my aunt- and she  basically told me stories and what have you.
we were up till 5am. forget that I had work the next day.

She also told me that " All mother in laws are witches"

and I retorted " If I get married to the Lover. I know I would not have this problem"

In all honesty this wasn't even me sassing her- My lover's mother is so nice.

1 comment:

Miss ToryB said...

Awwww just seeing this!! Can't wait to finish ALL ur money :D

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