Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back with a bang

I'm back to work today.
And it is actually quite good.
My manager whom I absconded from isn't screaming at me,
My review notes are minimal.
My other manager sent me at love letter  long ass review note with over 30 points and I've done about 15.

Plus this is just 11am. Coupled with the fact that I'm off to the buj tomorrow AM for my Italian  lovers.

I have missed them, funny thing is, they were my worst clients, till I encountered the Indians.
Anyway I am happy for the break away from work.

Just that I will miss the lover.

LOOOONGGG WEEKENDS FTW! sallah break was amazingggggg.

Oyinkan Thank you! also your blog isn't anon. We know who you are. * insert evil laugh here*

Monday night might have as well been friday- Amazing games night coupled with insane private party.

Party of life.

bear in mind that I use the term " Private party" obscenely loosely here.

Because I mean- Our party of friends were pretty much the only ones at the club- and you could walk up to the DJ and have him play a song for you. And we were the last to leave.

So I think its fair to use the term.

My nails are amazing. I wish I had it done in shellac.

Also last night while trolling the interwebs- Turns out there is bleaching cream for the nether regions.

and by nether regions I mean ass hole and love below.

Don't ask me why I know people are bleaching their asses- Amber rose I see you.

so anyway this particular cream got rave reviews I'm just to scared of cancer to try it out.

Divine derrier- For interested parties.

So What has been up with yall?

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