Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I am.

A daughter
A lover
A sister
A friend
A money maker
A solution provider
A confidant
A good person to have seated beside you at dinner
An Obsessor of weight
A reader
An avid reader

I was listening to heather Headly in the car tonight (he is )

And I thought I should list out all the things I think I am.

Not in any other of importance although my subconscious seems to point to the fact that  a lot of who I am is rotted in relationships I have. If the way it was written is anything to go by; my relationship with the mother is very Important to me, I constantly find my self striving to be the perfect child, which is a good thing ( I think ).

The relationship with the lover : need I say more? I think not. Ok let me just say this " he is my joy bringer. In a land of smoke and ashes, he is milk and honey.

A sister, I value te relationship I have with my brother so much, I constantly spoil him and I still take responsibility of half of his mistakes. My relationship with my sister, basically capital work in progress.

A friend: for some reason, this is at the bottom of my relationships, while I value friendship, I don't think it is exactly do or die. I mean while no man is an island, Im not exactly trying to have the whole world living in my island. So friends are far and few between for me. And Im thankful for this.

A money maker. Let's just say, I'm pretty surprised money didn't come before any of these relationships. Seeings as the love of money is the root of all evils, I won't say I love it. But I understand it answereth all things. And I really like that. So I'm pretty much always about the money.

A solution provider- let it be known, my default thinking is outside the box.  My mother has a problem and she calls me. Well her and quite a number of people, it's One of the numerous things I'm thankful to God for, my problem solving ability/ thinking pattern.

A confidant: for some absurd reason, people love talking to me.Alot. Which is odd because I talk a lot. Doesn't stop them though   They just keep talking and I keep listening. By people I mean older relatives, random people I meet at the spa- you know, it's cute but when people meet me to share- mentally I make a note to write in my journal. Not about thier stories tho- mine. I hate to share.

Someone seated beside you at a dinner party. If I told you half the shit I knew- you would not believe. You would also pick up a book and educate your self. I'm armed with all the facts I need. Occupational hazard of being a book worm. You sort of know things- things normal people usually have no business knowing.

I am obsessed with my weight- I worry that this is honestly on this list, while most of my worry is lip service, and I know what to do to lose this weight, the should be a me defined, but it is, I'm guessing I'm worrying more seriously than I, consciously admit.- although I'm tall, so I'd probably never be exactly fat.

A reader.

An avid reader.

I love to read. Downloading the kindle app on my iPad was a good thing. I read everything. And Nything which is bad. I need to filter. But books are like crack to me. Half the time I worry that I'd end up like those librarians who have sex with unsuspecting nerds/ library users in the god/ religion aisle. Just like it happens in the porn flicks and black lace books

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