Thursday, May 17, 2012

I have lost all the zeal to write.

Before I used to be so eager to come here and talk and talk and talk. Now not so much.

Infact I'm contemplating closing down the blog. Almost 7  years of blogging and I'm just not feeling it.

Scary. but at the same time exciting.

Last Night was my friends birthday. and it was AMAZING!

Like totally amazing for a week day party. and the Lover was amazing as well.

He is an amazing host sometimes- Plus we both had fun, usually when we go out its just same old 

same old. 

But last night was good- Although I wasn't wearing any make up and ran away from all the cameras

and it was the 1st time I came out with my locked hair- AFTER SATURDAY.

I liked it. it was the perfect kodak moment. I'm literally dying to see photoossss.

speaking of photos. what is happening to me?

I hate them all of a sudden. I cant stand my photograph being taken.

This young lady is now *gasp* camera shy. - Who woulda thunk it?

anyways i am still trying to work out what brought that about.


im getting my 1st oleku made! HELLOOOOOO LEGS ON LEGS ON LEGS!

I'm ecstatic, finally I have arrived.

Now all i seek is a make up artitste.

Speaking of make up artitste, I need a friend who does professional make up

Because yours truly has decided to start wearing make up. and a lot of it.
to all the weddings I attend. starting with the next one.

Weddings have started to excite me. not marriage o.
The actually wedding ceremony!

Its almost the only social call i enjoy- closely followed by stage plays.
as i was saying- I love weddings.

three weeks ago i updated my status to - marriage might be hard work, but weddings are fun fun fun!

Turns out, I have morphed fully into a Yoruba woman- who spends her waking weekend hours trying on

outfits for parties. and her week day hours fantasizing about how she will spray money AND  argue for souvenirs at the parties.

I feel terrible because I had previously judged these women. and now I am one of them.

While I CAN wait to get married. I CAN NOT WAAAAIT TO HAVE A WEDDING!


so what has been really good?

ps: Im going on holiday next week. *azontos*

I tell you, this is my year of vacations!

This post is everywhere.

Also thank you to everyone who checked on me when i was having my mini bouts of depression.

I appreciate it.

and to think, I had people who I thought would be all over me. ELA. Its the people I dont send from here to there that were looking after me. calling and shit.
This Life is truly mysterious.

ANYWAYS what is up with people wanting favours from me? of late everybody had been wanting something, while I'm not one to ask except it is desperately important, I have tried to give cheerfully.

Until last week when a class mate of mine randomly called me to say hi. This week same class mate calls to say hello again.

Now why is it strange that my class mates are calling me?

simple- My classmates hated me in Uni. I was that girl that was unserious and spent her weekends in Lagos.

Having a fun time. missing classes and just generally coast through school 

partying with my friends in lagos and building social connections.

My class mates hated me through all of it and the feeling was mutual. I had about a hand ful of friends in my class- AND  we were party monsters( and that is putting it lightly)

anyways  enough about that- I am changed now and i channel my energy to weddings.

So You can imagine my shock/disgust when this my Bible wielding classmate, had to call lil ol' sinner me

to ask to see me. what for?

Turns out class mate is a marketer in the bank and had a target to meet.
Class mate wanted me to make some introductions for him AND wanted to see if he could use some of my social connections to build a network to enable him meet a target.

and laughed. and asked him, " have I ever called to ask you to ask your prayer group to pray for me?"

OK that is a lie. I didn't say that.

I said" I'm busy this weekend, and I'm out of town next weekend- say 1st weekend in June?"
Him : Oh its too late.

Human beings are users and disgusting. You can not frown at my lifestyle for 4 years then call me because I haven't changed my # to use my social connections.

This life is too damn mysterious.

Will I help him? Maybe. but I need time to work through the anger I feel towards his type of people.

A part of me says I should be thankful that God has blessed to the point of becoming a corner stone.

I'm confused.

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