Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The half year report.

The beginning of the year, i told myself i wanted to accomplish 4 things. one for each quater.

I didnt want to be greedy, so i decided to give myself only four.

in all honesty, maybe i was being lazy and unabitious. or whatever.

#sidebar i also wanted to be a model sometime during the year. i even got agent details and whatever.

sooo you can find what my new year resolutions were HERE *insert different colored text of here*

i kid, i can not insert links AND/or pictures. all i can do is write and post. :)

anyways they were to
1. pay my tithe
2.apply for a masters
3.get in shape
4. play the piano.

June marks two quaters. and it is with glee and gladness and all the happiness to let yall know that i have tithed religiously this year.

its not that i dont like to pay my tithe its just that once salary comes, so many other things show up and stuff, so before sunday comes the salary would have finished.
andyways thanking God this year ive been able to keep in line and stuff and i am happy.

i have also been very shape this year.
and that is me being modest. my waist is 29inches. if that doesnt tell you anything i dunno for you again.

people of God my 3 hours daily at the gym have paid off.

and all that good work is about to be unravled in this town with no reasonably priced gyms BUT no need to piss on my parade yet na.
anyways so i have to learn how to play the piano AND i need to appply for a masters before year end.

i also do not want to mke use of those money draining agencies awon PFL or whatever they are called.

because i
1. want to go to america. Actually i wanna go to Stanford, but i need 2 years experience and stuff, so i have just 2. :(
if i include all the summers i interned and stuff im sure it would reach 4 years.
but yeah in all fairness to me i should add try and get inducted too.

hopefully if i can find 3 weeks to take the damn classes. or better still just get a waiver from my firm to avoid me taking the damn classes. hell i am computer literate jo.

so im giveing my self an A+ because i have completed one thing both quaters.

and im oh so very proud of myself. :)))

and i know its not all my. NA GOD!

#np Marvins room

ps. did anyone else hear the girl say "yeah this is success?"

pss. i think this drakes all i cant handle being famous shit is getting old.

if he wants his ex back. he should just go and get her already AND make better music abeg. not like his music isnt better o. just another theme. :))

1 comment:

Jennifer A. said...

Definitely, definitely a success. CONGRATS! :)

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