Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Not so random.

Tola finally blogged.

and im not so mad anymore. i mean you lose 100 grand to a family member this year,

i know who im NOT giving 1m to in the next 5 years.

you know. just like that. i feel better. i was burned but im going to call it a lesson learned.

and i would be able to spoil the lover silly. so i dont feel so bad after all.

today is Nengi's birthday- LLP. just to take the piss. lol i love her silly.

and i hope she has a fun day.

and i cant wait to go home. i still hate this town but yeah im learning to deal.

hopefully my manager would come and say that we have tried and we can go home.

i would be too glad.

i miss the Lover.

i think the Damn BB makes me miss him more.

and i hate it. i want phone calls back jo. *pout*

Does anyone else feel empty once their salary has been paid?

i just feel oh i dunno, something drained once i get paid.

and what is up with the rising prices of aso-ebi?

my Home girl from QC said her aso-ebi si 30k. #pause

most of us that finished from school im one of the few that like already has a job and all that.
(see one advantage of the private universities)

and there is no way im shelling out 30k to buy aso-ebi. its madness.

and yall know im obsessed with aso_ebi buying.

one of my other friends from UNI (she was my roomie in1st year)

is getting married as well. i just rsvp'd back.

i tweeted yesterday that shit gets real when you start knowing people getting married.

and my friend replied i need to calm down.

now i know its not a race, BUT i dont intend to be frying akara while my friends are all attending PTA meetings.

ok thats a strech but you get my point.

funniest thing about this wedding is that, its strictly formal. like she expressly stated that native should be a last consideration.

i have NO formal dresses for weddings. :(

i have a shit load of Ankara dresses tho. a lot. im even surprised at myself sometimes sef.

i havent been to the gym in a month.

i am not pleased.

im contemplating having a tiny pool party at ikoyi club with tola once i get back. lol

i am a loser, with the weirdest thots.

i miss ikoyi club parties tho.

ive just been rambling.

before i go, ASA is amazing. but then yall probably alreadly knew that.

whenever she is coming to perform in Nigeria- i missed the last one because my friend was doing shakara for me.- i would love love love to attend.

ps: i think i need a mini holiday.

Barcelona maybe?

although getting time off work would be impossible :(

the life of an employee.

of Which we havent heard from Bankole dimeji again. i hope he is ok?

Monday, June 27, 2011


im getting good at yoyo-ing my weight.

thanks to this stupid town im stuck at. i hate it.

i am home sick. and i hate this town.

the sun is fucking with my skin, i work ridiculous hours AND i am very very unhappy.

why am i unhappy?

simple, i did business with my cousin and he took my money and ran away.

offcourse i should have suspected this, but i didnt because i felt he'd never screw me over.

LESSON 1: everybody is out to screw ME over.

in as much as i'd hate to think this is true. it is.

and there is nothing i can do about it.

i'd hate to be a bitch towards family.

like this shit is making me physically sick. and offcourse make me want to cry as well, but that is besides the point.

and its making me irritated. everything and everyone is irrtating me.
from my Boss who is freaking out about our managers arrival tomorrow.

to the fact that i just want to go home.

i just snapped at my co-worker. for no just cause.

i will need to get a grip.

i should, but i cant because it just dawned on me that i have been swindled.

and i hate to lose money. hate it.

on the upside or rather downside i keep forgetting i own a black berry now.

smh for me. for someone who was attached to the bb. this is amusing.

forgot it at home on saturday and came to work.

then i forgot it today in the toilet.

also all this cash loss is freaking me out because i may not be able to give the Lover all i want to give him this year. :(

and that saddens me.

i just want my mummy jo.

and i want to get my feet done too.

anyways, whats been good? asides the bomblasts and all the boko haram drama?

ps there is this insanely beautidul pg woman at my client site.

i Love Love Love her. and i hope to look that good when i am Pg.

not like im getting pregnant anytime soon.

i have also downed half a bottle of yogurt. :((((

by the way i endorse " the good wife" its such an amazing show.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers day.

The amazing thing about fathers day is that i do not like it. Infact i kinda loathe the whole process.

Off course im from a single parent home so um yeah thats why i dont like it.

Anywaaaaaays yesterday was my friends sisters wedding.

I know how i keep saying that because of my starch making skills i would never marry a non dealtan guy. But because of how i love yoruba weddings i'd change my mind and get married to a yoruba guy.

I totalllly adore Yoruba weddings. The culture. The live band. The pakuromo-ing, komole-ing, the asoebi madness, the mother frantically searching for a seat for the chair-woman of her association in her church. Ok that was a stretch but Yoruba people know how to do weddings. Hiaaaaaaaaaan.

And i love it. Sadly all yoruba men are dogs. Yeah i said it. Quote me.

Moving on the wedding was amazing. I loved it even tho dude to work stress i was unable to buy the asoebi i think i still loved divine.

Im serious.

Some dude came up to have my picture taken and he made me sign a consent form. Amazing huh?

I was tripped. I mean i had to agree to have my picture published. Nigerian mags need to get on that p.

I also realised i suck at having my picture taken.

Meaning i cant pose for a picture i did not take myself.

Shocking revelation since i loooooveeee pictures.

I think i look better in those unconcious type pictures.

Anyways i think dude realised this and said i should relax. He than went on to take as many as he liked till he found a decent one to use.

And then said i should relax. Beautiful girls arent ever tense.

He then went ahead to take some shots of my hair as jara.

My hair is locked. Well with a weave but whatever locked all the same.

After the wedding. I went to play mummy and daddy at the lovers.
Lol jk.

We had dinner, which consisted of glover court suya and cupcakes from cupcake couture( they make the most amazing cup cakes in the whole wide world) no jokes.

And we went to look for tiramisu at choclate royal. Dint find.

Then went shopping randomly. At 10pm.

I tell you the lover and i are verrrry strange.

So when we got in. He just randomly looked at me and said.

Come and meet my dad.

Me: pause. Ehn???

Him: my dad. Come and meet him jo you keep avoiding him.

Me: with good reason.

Him: what?

Me: let me get my earings.

And so that was how we walked up to his flat. Knocked. I almost fainted.

Turns out not only do i not know how to pose 4 pictures i am also painfully shy.

So he said " daddy this is my girlfriend"

and his daddy said " so what is your name ?"

me.: Hiaaan. Murmur my name.
Surprisinglyhis dad heard and repeated it.

And he offered me wine, juice, ice-cream chinese, and i kept saying oh im fine sir.

My mother would have been very proud of me. That i finally caught on as a child she had a hard time stopping us from eating at other peoples houses, and you know that is where the food is sweetest. Lol.
Anyways after they discussed business, we left. And his father said " hopefully i will see more of you around"

his dad has aged veryyyy well. I wonder if that whole thing about looking at a womans mother shows how she will age applys to men as well.
Anyways to all the fathers. Happy fathers day hope the day turns out ok.

I dont want to leave home. I dont wanna go back to work jo. :( *Pout*

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thanking God.

My mothers birthday is on Friday. my sister and I are yet to provide her with grand children.

But it is safe to say we have made her proud. how proud very proud.

and for this i am thankful.

i keep telling people if i turn out to be half the woman my mother is, i would be very happy.

however i find that i am lazy. and she is Hard working. but that is gist for another day.

i am thankful for her life.

i am thankful for my Job

i am thankful for good health

i am thankful for answered prayers

i am thankful for Friends and Family.

i am thankful for the Lover in my Life.

i am thankful for good music.

i am thankful for all of the above and a lot more which i would not blog about.

but as Yinkuslolo said in her blog, this is something i do not do enough, and i should.

so from now, once a month/or week or often sha. i will be thankful to God. in blogpost, tweet, word or deed.

ps. did you know that Nigeria had the 2nd highest HIV infection rate in the world. i believe the 1st remains south africa.

this is very scary news because i know a lot of people that are sexually active. and are rather non-chalantly sexually active.

its scary just thinking about it. the only person i know that had AIDS personally. i didnt even know the person like that, my friends Maid.

anyways please lets refrain from casual sex. if we must, lets be protected.

by protection i mean condoms. because i doubt your baba can help you here.

and i do realize how hypocritical this post may seem. but i honestly do not participate in casual sex. because sex is NEVER casual. dont be deceived.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The half year report.

The beginning of the year, i told myself i wanted to accomplish 4 things. one for each quater.

I didnt want to be greedy, so i decided to give myself only four.

in all honesty, maybe i was being lazy and unabitious. or whatever.

#sidebar i also wanted to be a model sometime during the year. i even got agent details and whatever.

sooo you can find what my new year resolutions were HERE *insert different colored text of here*

i kid, i can not insert links AND/or pictures. all i can do is write and post. :)

anyways they were to
1. pay my tithe
2.apply for a masters
3.get in shape
4. play the piano.

June marks two quaters. and it is with glee and gladness and all the happiness to let yall know that i have tithed religiously this year.

its not that i dont like to pay my tithe its just that once salary comes, so many other things show up and stuff, so before sunday comes the salary would have finished.
andyways thanking God this year ive been able to keep in line and stuff and i am happy.

i have also been very shape this year.
and that is me being modest. my waist is 29inches. if that doesnt tell you anything i dunno for you again.

people of God my 3 hours daily at the gym have paid off.

and all that good work is about to be unravled in this town with no reasonably priced gyms BUT no need to piss on my parade yet na.
anyways so i have to learn how to play the piano AND i need to appply for a masters before year end.

i also do not want to mke use of those money draining agencies awon PFL or whatever they are called.

because i
1. want to go to america. Actually i wanna go to Stanford, but i need 2 years experience and stuff, so i have just 2. :(
if i include all the summers i interned and stuff im sure it would reach 4 years.
but yeah in all fairness to me i should add try and get inducted too.

hopefully if i can find 3 weeks to take the damn classes. or better still just get a waiver from my firm to avoid me taking the damn classes. hell i am computer literate jo.

so im giveing my self an A+ because i have completed one thing both quaters.

and im oh so very proud of myself. :)))

and i know its not all my. NA GOD!

#np Marvins room

ps. did anyone else hear the girl say "yeah this is success?"

pss. i think this drakes all i cant handle being famous shit is getting old.

if he wants his ex back. he should just go and get her already AND make better music abeg. not like his music isnt better o. just another theme. :))

Sunday, June 12, 2011

love poem

“I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way than this:

where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep. ”

poem by: Pablo Neruda (July 12, 1904 – September 23, 1973) was the pen name and, later, legal name of the Chilean poet and politician NeftalĂ­ Ricardo Reyes Basoalto.

i do realise that after my rant about men... im putting this up. about 20mins after. im in love with the lover. even though i hate how MOST men act. but that is just wat it is. lucikly for me. he doesnt read my blog so yay?


on my twitter i have been ranting about how i hate this town and blah blah blah.

but the truth is i just miss home. Lagos is where my soul is. i can not for the life of me understand people who move from lagos to places like abuja.

it is probably the same way people cant understand how i migrated from a black berry phone to a nokia phone.

not a big deal if you are tired of the mess that is black berry.

i think my ipod has a virus.

i laugh when people ask me why i am not a part of the Nigerian blogger society.

because i didnt know there was a society.or community or whatever. im such a loner.

i spent the whole afternoon watching black berry babes.

2hrs of my life that i would never get back.

im getting a tablet this weekend. i mean i was given the money for an ipad but im yet to buy it, my mum isnt even encouraging me to buy the ipad. so im stealing hers. by fire by force.

im very excited about my mothers birthday.

i went to church today. and im tired of women bearing the brunt of everything bad.

today at church the pastor clearly pointed out that in the relationship that entails pre-martial sex, women are the fools because women are the ones who
1. get pregnant
2. have to have an abortion
3. may die during the abortion
4. may get thier wombs removed during the abortion.
5. may have to drop out of school if she keeps the child
6. would be the mothers of the bastards.

he didnt use the words bastards but yes that is what he implied. heavily if i may add.

im not a feminist BUT i am tired of women getting the shorter stick of relationship mis-haps.

its just not fair. but hey cest la vie.

my newest obsession is yogurt and fruit. but since i have no fruit. its just yogurt.

i need to stream line my posts more. have a theme and work with it.

but i never ever do that. im a bit too random for that. ive always been a bit too random.

my friends found out her aunt's husband is cheating and wants to leave from her cousin who told her so she could beg her aunt to please forgive his dad.

the good wife in real life. *sigh* that show gets to me. :(((

i'd probably poison my hsuband IF he was an international ashawo.

sadly other people would beg you to stay and manage.
sometimes i wonder which is worse, being married to a man who physically abuses you OR one who is an international ashawo.

like My mum says. Na Church Get woman. because men will run you mad.

they will take and take and take and give nothing but stress in return.

are all men they same?

because a lot of the women i know who are suppposed to be happily married when you dig under the surface they are suffering. its sad.

very very sad. but then you are a woman so shut up and be thankful that someone married you abi?

IF i could ask God one question.

i'd ask.

"what did women do (asides eve offcourse) that you watch this suffering and you refuse to strike the men dead?"

but then he'd probably reply" ask the wives, they dont want thier husbands dead, they love them that way and more often than not willing to forgive and make ammends"

im tired of men messing up jo.

anyways my accounts are sent it, and in all honesty they were quite easy.

ive realised im actually a veryyyy lazy person.

np- mel fiona Somebody come get me

somebody come get me before i kill this man
somebody come get me cus i dont understandhe dont wanna love me.
said he gat a woman down the street

Friday, June 10, 2011


hello darling!

i miss you. and im sorry i have not kept in touch. lets blame this job i work.

anyways i hope you feel much better. i felt so unhappy leaving you feeling that way. when we could have gone to the gym and just chilled. anyways i take it you are feeling better.

i see you splurging seriously. i like that.

just checking. you know your consignment is still in the top left drawer of my dressing table.

by the way ive ben struggling with either not talking or talking to th eother woman in this story. you know i am totally loyal to you.

however im not a fan of assisting people to keep malice.

but this your case is special. because you are too special to me.

almost like my first daughter. or sister i want or sthg.

anyways when i make up my mind. you will know.

but i can assure you whatever decision i make will be to your advantage. you know im partial like that. lol

and dont mind Deyo saying im soo wifey. you know i do not roll like that.

btw im happy you and the lover get along. as per guys and shit.

and there is one of his friends i want to give to you. he doesnt suit your physical attributes. although im not really sure what your specs are but im sure you'd love him. he is a sound enginner at the beat FM. and yeah i took into consideration your side career of being a songstress.

wtf typa word is song stress? im getting old.


anyways i miss you. and OMG i got this beautiful beautiful RL pants that stop just before my ankle. too cute cant wait for you to see it and approve before i wear them. lol i am a slacker.

although i think im too tall to wear pants that are MJ-esque im sure you'll co-sign my attempt.

anyways i miss you. and update your blog dammit. urgh how else am i supposed to keep up with you if you put up one random picture with a girl on a swing. bitch we want details!!!!

anyways i'd really appreciate if you watch the good wife and help me find season 1 and 2 complete. i will be enternally indebted to you. now im going to email this to you and blog it as well,

Love you lots.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Just to randomly update the people who read this blog religiously about what ive been up 2.

ok not religiously but yeah. you get my point.

so TV. ive been watching the goodwife. Amazing. everytime i watch a law show. ala boston legal or sthg i think maybe i should have studied law?

because apparently i dont come across like an accountant. we are supposed to be stingy ok no frugal and boring. BUT im neither of the two.

na so.

anyways work is just there. clients are being slow and im just watching.

remember the two accounts i was supposed to prepare.

yeah both balance sheets finally balanced. all that is left is one cash flow. WHICH my oga will do tommorrow for me abeg, i don tire.

then coupled with the fact THAT. my old senior is on my dick for the damn accounts WHEN. i am on another job.

well, i always tell them. i do not get paid enough for this shit. or madness.

anyways I miss The Mother.

and panic not...

because i Miss the Lover too. that goes without saying.
in all honesty the only thing good about this trip is that it got me outta buying 4 yards of Aso-ebi for 10k.

looool. i am a loser. ok but not withstanding. its alright.

yesterday i went to the market and cooked stew, soup and rice.

today my Co-worker fell ill.

and i swear my cooking has nothing to do with it.

because in all honesty the only reason i decided to cook. EPR.

EVALUATION PERFORMANCE REVIEW. which your senior co-workers review your work and your appraisal which your xmas bonus is based on is the reason for promotions.

anyhoos, that aside. i had lunch with my Mum.

her birthday is already here again. another week of nagging for grand children.

anyways so yeah she had a torch(bb) which i cant understand why anyways. because the calls keep going on mute and stuff everytime she has to take a call.

so after about 7 days of this madness she came to me crying for help to assist her in getting rid of the phone.

after mocking her for a bit i agreed to help her. anyways since i couldnt find anyone i just decided to buy her a bold2. WHICH she was trying to rebuy for her birthday.

immediately i gave her this gist, she said" ehn Which one is Bold4, ive been hearing about it, shebi it is the latest, ehn dont buy me bold2 again o, buy Bold4 for me"

i said ok.

you see this time last year, there were times i still asked my mum for money. however this year i have given her money every month. and every month she says she doesnt want BUT she takes and we refer to it as "rent". lol

however i could see how excited she was. and that just made my day. not like i was a bad child or anything BUT we didnt make it easy for her men. im just glad she was able to pull through.

after calling the whole lagos and asking them to thank me and pray for me. she said " i expect my phone by 2moro so we can start transferring my things."
i just love her.

she also took me to her tailor in abuja. the woman kept on giving me side eye. not like i care but WHY is this woman side eyeing me.

i mean the 1st thing she asked when we walked in after my mother introduced me as her daughter was" is she your real daughter"

NIgerians are so fucking tactless. i Quit them.

offwhich itunu has stopped tweeting.i wonder what that is about.

by the way im having a whale of a time here. old friends and stuff, just amazing stuff.

i miss home a lot. my free awoof landline that my mother was generous to pay its bill without asking any questions. but yeah its sorted now.

the people who helped me run up my phone bill. im still accepting donationsss.

but yeah im alright. forgot my black soap in Lag and if you see my face now ehn. jesse jags n i are competeing. lol

my face is a mess and i gatta admit these locks are not helping matters. i just dontt know wat 2 do with it.

since last year cuz of exams n work and shit ive been unable to relax it. *sigh*

now im that girl people see at the salon and ask "aunty is your hair virgin hair?"

nothing against virgin hair. i just cant maintain it. in all honesty. my hours are too ridic to add hair to my problems.

sooooo no ibadan this weekend.


well because Dana Air has decided that return ticket to Lagos is N90k.

i knoooow, i typed Ninety Thousand Naira.

that lagos that i can kuku enter night bus and arrive in 7hrs and pay 2k8 for Ac bus.


but yeah all in all good times and shii.

i miss lagos most of all. but im guessing there is always a price. *sniff*

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...