Saturday, April 9, 2016

You do not look one bit stressed

A co-worker cooed to me on friday while I frantically searched for an A4 envelope.

I smiled. bemused.

I have 4 accounts pending.

My manager would not come and review my work

My agent is DRAGGING his feet to send me ticket reservations,

I am 2 weeks away from just going around and shopping my CV.

And my mother is just fussing over this whole wedding thing.

I told the girl- Look I am stressed.

Hmn she replied, your skin is clear sha.

Me- Thank you.

Hers not so much.

Friday was crazy. somewhat.

Had a meeting that would usually be a breeze somehow turned into a rainstorm of shit.

Finished from there and I realised my tank light was blinking.

Called my brother in law, and he gifted me half tank.

I mentioned I needed to service my car.

He was like girl- You are lucky you came, your engine might have knocked. for some reason even after using 7k/gallon engine oil. I am still finding sludge in the tank.

Whatevz we reverted to Quatro.

I find that adulting is really just an advanced game of opportunity costing.

For example- The money I spent on the car, was the money I had planned to use to get a wig made while I decide on what to do to my hair.

No I would have to carry these two plaits about for the next two weeks.

#unbothered really.

Meanwhile- Won another give away!

and took Eros to the saloon for a mani pedi. Sesh.

I swear luxury is hard to achieve in Nigeria. If its not your staff screwing you over, Its Nepa not carrying the AC in your shop.

But still we move.

really intrested to see how long the nail polish stays before chipping.

I might have a newly developed fear.

What fear- Children/ babies/Actually having them

Because while Draya's maternity shoot is giving me laiveee and is getting all the flame emoji's I am capable of posting.

The simple fact that having a child/children would totally mess up Eros's and I's house flow is my genuine worry.

For example. we get back home. eat. pick a movie. or snapchat for 30 minutes. and we just walk around naked and you know chill.

One day we were lying in bed and I was thinking oh lord a child will just come and disrupt our flow,

and he blurted out- Lets not have children yet. I am enjoying the aloneness with us too much.

I'm like pause Negro- Are you in my head.

Although I wanted to have all my kids before 30- Totally do able btw.

I just do not know if I am ready to trade in this type of Joy for the other kind.

And it scares me.


Shout out to pamela for getting me my new face mask ALL the way from the Amerix.

I love you.

I think I just realised how much food my body needs and the hours in which it works hardest in digesting said food.

That being said I am ready to go back to the gym. I'm lean enough now for general muscle building.

Also- The big short is such an amazing movie. I think I want to go into finance. FULL time.

Like invest and predict the market and what not.

This is why I refrain from watching TV.

I wanted to be a lawyer after watching all seasons of boston legal.

Speaking of TV. Downloading books to read in the next few weeks.

For some reason I have been feeling very unlike me.

I'm not reaching out. I'm severing ties with a lot more finality and I am spending my money much more wisely.

I think this is because the motto for 2016- I'm not sure but seemed a lot like intentional living for me.

So basically more business minding, more water drinking and more savings

because even though I am not ready to have a kid- WHEN I become ready. It's Amerix or nothing o.

Baba God hear your daughter.

And do it for your girl.

I am thinking of buying a book on amazon to be read on kindle. the thing is I actually want a physical hard copy.

But because Nigeria.

I do not see it being remotely possible.

Who knows how I can go about it.

Book name: Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

Ps- My two Didi's on my head are so cute.

Pss- Fashionista's in Lagos who read my blog where can I get a fur stole from?

Psss: Who has the connect for glass cutters in Lagos, Nigeria?

1 comment:

Quaggar said...

Amazon delivers books to Nigeria.

I know cos I have bought quite a few. Severally over the last few years.

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