Thursday, January 29, 2015

tattoo cravings

I want a tattoo.

I was at the gym last night and I flipped my braids and found the perfect spot for a tattoo.

However, I feel like OMG I am waay to old to get a tattoo now.

Another thing is this. I want a bible passage tattoo.

Oscar pistrzxsytsb ( girl friend shooter) has the most delicious one.

It paraphrases 1 corinthians 9:26-27.

Go and check it out. It is perfect for a blade runner.

Anyway since your's truly doesn't really read her bible- I am yet to discover a bible passage

That resonates with me so greatly and I would not regret putting in my body in 5 years.

Also did I tell you people I am now an orobo?

OMG I am so fat now. :(

And the weirdest thing is how I quite like it.

because at the bottom of my heart, sexy to me is that Yoruba type chunky fat with a little kangaroo pouch and chunky thighs.

Think of juicy chicken.

But at the top of my heart and in the best interest of my bank account since I have ZERO interest in changing my wardrobe.

I can not afford to let myself attain my bottom of my heart sexy status

- I am a liar; I am already there.

Think - Thicker than a snicker type chunky.

Anyways I sha need to loose all this weight before I permanently become a size 12

And my stomach spills out of my clothes always

I am still stuck in dready london AND due to unforseen circumstances

Guess whose stay got extended?

This means I had to line up activities for the weekend.

Home girl E is flying in tonight to see me while, I have a bunch of lunch dates/ shopping dates and dinner dates- ALL lined up for the weekend.

Again- Not a single drop of work would be concluded over the weekend because- YOLO.

LOL- jk.

Also I need to get a brazillian done. any good recommendations?

I'm in central london but will travel to the moon to find a good waxer.

Gosh I miss my waxing lady in Dundee. She was a star!

Ps: My newest lastest fangirl obession #MEGATRON

I am totally obsessed with Meghan Trainor.


and I resonate with her, Haven't felt so strongly about any one since Mel-Fiona.

and y'all know I worshipped her.

Anyways Back to work now-  But I would be randomly updating on my twitter.

Finally I have a question I need to ask-

With all this Candy, why you gotta be Salty Kris?


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